ShWATBall Field Created by CPV18 * THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS BUNGIE'S SWATBALL or SHWATGUNs GAMETYPES! IT IS A SWAT AND GRIFBALL HYBRID. Supported Gametypes: GrifBall-RoosterTeeth ShWATBall-CPV18 Map Description The ShWATBall Field was designed to intergrate GrifBall and SWAT. The map is symetrical and uses interlocking. The bomb is located down the 'chute' and the bomb return is located at the default Grifball location. Bomb detonation is instant. Teleporters are located both on the door and room side and they take you to the opposite side. Game Description Player Traits: Primary Weapon-Shotgun Secondary Weapon-Magnum No Shields 100% Damage Resistance Bomb Carrier Traits: 50% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 125% Speed Color-White *BR Starts were not much fun. **If you would like to know anything else just let me know. _________________________________________________ OverView From Room Side OverView From Door Side Facing Side B Facing Side A Facing Teleporter Doorside Looking into Chute Inside of 'Chute' room _________________________________________________ Download ShWATBall Field Download ShWatBall Gametype
I hate ShWATTball. Your map may be ok for the settings, but personally SWAT's original version is how it should be done mopst of the time. ShWATguns and CTF are ok, but ShWATball ruins the concept for me. Sorry, but I think I will pass this one. GL with this map though!
Looks kinda well made, but it needs more spawns to prevent spawn killing. Actually, I suggest spawn points up in the air so enemies cannot hide behind them and melee them upon spawning.
Or just move the spawns further back against the wall , i dont think there should be because spawnkilling was a tactic in grifball so if its a mix it should stay.
nice job, and very original its a nice new game that bungie introduced and you happened to make a cool game for it, i will DL and get back
Looks interesting to play but since if swat i think there should be more cover and more ways to the ball no just one. good thinking about the Swat and griffball thing its kewl.
Its pretty good, plain, but I see one problem, On where you merged the stairs into the middle, there merged too far in, making a bump in the stairs. Thats all you need to fix.
I dunno, looks cool, but if your'e gonna do this with a shotty, you ned to get rid if the magnum. I know Grifball requires an open field, but I've always felt that something like this was in order. Good work!
OMG! What cant you guys understand about this not being Bungies SWatBall? It is a mix between Swat and Grifball. Not Oddball. You guys did not read anything I wrote did you?
^^ Fixed Do you think that maybe the problem is your naming convention? That's like if I called my new gametype MLG, and it was actually all plasma pistols and sentinel beams. People will assume its the most recognised one. Not to mention some people on here just look at pictures. Even me sometimes, perfect though I am