Dom says Oi's Map-Pac

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mysterious D, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've made these maps awhile ago, but just recently found out this website, so now i'm going to post them here, with a description of each.



    A small, cluttered city environment area.
    Author: Dom says Oi

    Map: Foundry

    I've been working on this map since 8pm (US eastern) until now, (2am eastern) making this map as finely detailed as i could while adding in new elements to game-play. Confinement is a Foundry map i've made as detailed as possible, using only half of the big room, leaving $6 left on my budget. I've fine-tuned the elements of the map so that there will be no spawn-****, but still shortcuts around the map, for easy access.

    Confinement is mainly based for team slayer games, but should work well for objective game-types, mainly assault and VIP. Infection shouldn't work so well, as players will just leave the actual map and go hide in the rooms to the back, and camp there until they run out of ammo. (think of Warthogs on Zanzibar Beach). There are main two 'Bases' or 'Armories', or just spawning locations that you will end up at, with weapons near-by and time for you to ready yourself. The map is based on close-medium range combat, so the only weapons available are the AR,BR,SG, and SMG (twice as many as first 3, for duel wielding purposes). There are three floors - a bottom, a middle, and an upper. The bottom floor is used for storing vehicles, weapons, and grav-lifts for your vehicles (scroll to 2nd to last section of Post for more information). The second floor is really used for transition between floors and the two buildings. The upper floor is used for the Medium ranged weapons, which is really only the BR and the turrets that are facing each-other from each base.

    To explain the Map, it's like a miniature city - There are 5 main districts that i like to call on the Map: Base A; The Alleys; The Shack; Base B; (and) The Outside. Once you download the map, you'll be able to figure out what i'm talking about when you see them. On a side note, I think that a Giant map like the Alleys on my map would be a pretty cool infection level.

    There are the same amount of vehicles for each base, 2 mongooses and 1 warthog. Their wince theirs a Plasma Shield in the center of the map to prevent spawn-****ing, which the vehicles cannot pass through, you can drive your vehicles on the grav-lifts that are in appropriate places on the maps. They should float over the barriers easily, (Base B's warthog is having some issues, try and hit it on an angle.) The Section directly next to the Map is empty, having enough room for a vehicle war. If you find thr rocket launchers, have 2 people mount a Mongoose, and reach havoc upon the enemy team. Warthogs work better though, as they have a mounted turret on them. (a little hint, if there are no vehicles on the other side with you, you can turret enemies on the second and third floor, if you can see them.)

    Map -

    A view at Base A, from atop of Base B.


    A view at Base B from atop of Base A.


    A view inside of Base A. The grav lift is for the vehicles to get out of.


    A view of inside Base B. Also shows part of the alleys, and the shack.


    An overview of the alleys.


    A view from inside the shack. Very small, connects to the alleys.



    Apocolyptic V2
    An expanded remake of Confinement, with accurate weapon spawn times, familiar layout, and a whole mess of fun!

    Map: Foundry

    Apocolyptic started once i deleted all of the extra things in my Confinement map, like unneeded crates, boxes, barriers - all of that, gone. It turned out I had only used $300 to make the actual map, and the other $400 went into all the unneeded things. It looked like my artistic side of me had gotten the better of the situation. So, I deleted the outer wall, and expanded, to the entire length of the map. There are now 4 bases, no armories ( weapons now spawn in the open and spread out, not in a box for each base ), and hidden weapons.

    Sadly, for you vehicle lovers out there, with the rest of the map space taken up ( and my budget maxed out ), there are no more Warthogs or Mongooses ( I say mongeese, but we have to be grammatically correct on the Internet, don't we? ) placed on the level. There was really no need for mongooses anyway, unless you had a buddy riding shotgun with a RL, but no more speedy, portable turrets ( sorry ). Now all of this space is taken up by a middle structure, with a Shotgun on the inside.

    Once you download, you'll notice that Base's C and D (the new additions) are almost exactly the same. This was done because, one - there was limited room, two - because it fit well with the map, and three - I ran out of my can of super-hyper extreme creative juice. The other two bases were kept the same for the most part, except for the fact that the armories are now used the house Sentinel Beams and objectives. There is also an extreme lack of detail - with all the things I put into Apocolyptic, I even had to delete some spawn points to cope with the games error messages, and keep all of the required short-cuts I wanted intact.

    This map has been pre-designed to suit all gametypes, but feel free to change them yourselves if you think it'll run better.

    For final notices, here a list of new Features that you should be happy to know;
    - 2 new fully functioning bases
    - hidden weapons
    - random teleporters for fun getaways
    - no more obnoxious Gravity lifts
    - accurate spawn time for each weapons (no 10-second spawns for RL's)
    - 2 new turrets
    - fun shortcuts
    - sturdy map
    - a whole mess of fun

    Confinement, Apocoplyptic's predecessor, has only made 62 downloads, 3 ratings, and only 1 comments, left by me, asking you all to leave comments. I reccomend you try it out, as the people I've played this with have told me it's really fun.


    Copied from my topic on GFaqs.
    Apocolyptic V2 is up now. With this update brings -
    - the secret corridor teleporters closer together, making the walk for the Flamethrower very brisk.
    - the getting rid of the two Gravity hammers.
    - the getting rid of the two Sheild regenerators.
    - the replacing of the Gravity lift in front of the Center Structure with a Sheild Regenerator.
    - the addition of 2 sets of magnums (4 in total) around the map.

    The teleporters were brought close together because i noticed that was a <i>long</i> walk with a support weapon. Also, if someone else happened to pop out of the teleporter behind you, the time it took you to turn around, drop the Flamethrower, and begin to shoot, you would already be dead.

    I took the Gravity hammers out because they would only really be useful in the bases, given as there's little room to navigate in them. They were really just a waste of space. There was simply no room for the Sheild regenerators in the corridor to make them look nice, so i simply removed them, and replaced the unneeded gravity lift with one. Looks like you guys will just have to jump for that Splazer now, huh?

    The magnums were just to take up space, but they really turn out to help if you have a good game going.

    Map -

    Pics -
    A view of Base A - Contains a needler, a sniper rifle, a brute shot, a sentinal beam, 2 plasma grenades, a turret, a
    battle rifle, 2 magnums, and 1 plasma pistol. Also one 5 way teleporter node.


    A view of Base B - Contains all listed above.


    A view of Base C - Contains all listed above, + 1 hidden rocket launcher, 2 SMGs, and no plasma pistol.


    A view of Base D - Contains all listed in Base C.


    A view of the central area connecting all of the bases. Contains two Plasma rifles, 1 shotgun, 1 Spartan Laser, 2 brute shots, 2 plasma pistols, 2 Battle rifles, and 2 bubble sheilds.


    A view of The allies behind Base B. Contains 1 shotgun. Have fun :D.



    Built on a graveyard, this SPARTAN training course is designed for all situations.

    Map: Foundry

    Two bases. Each have 1 turret. Square map. Perfectly symmetrical. A garage for vehicles, including 2 ghosts and two warthogs for each team.

    Sorry for the brief description, i'm short on time.

    Map -

    Pics -
    A view of one of the two identical bases.


    A view of the sword spawn ( must use a grav. lift to get ), and one of the garages.


    There are only 2 screenshots because the map is the same thing on the other side. Perfectly symmetrical.



    Map: Foundry

    SHOTTY HALL: Close quarters. Sharp corners. Camping inevetable. In a basic 8 shape with an exaggerated dash, this shotgun oriented map will have you feeling scared to even walk. There is a teleporter inside the corridors, also which will take you inside the circles of the eight.. Inside the circled is just complete chaos, as you can end up in either circle, in any direction - but so can your opponent. Walk into the sender node ( marked by 3 barrells ) to get out. There are also Recomended gametype SHOTGUN SWAT available, also.

    Set up for Slayer, Oddball, and Juggernaut, and ( I think ) Infection.

    Map -
    Gametype -
    Pics -
    An overview of the Map. Very small, so please download the recommended gametype.


    A picture of a SPARTAN running through a corridor.


    A picture of a picture of a spartan standing in the middle of the map. Shows the 4 way hallway behind him.


    A picture of an entire hallway line. The length of about 3 and a half double boxes.


    A picture of the small squares inside the 'eight' of the map. The one marked with barrells will take you to the reciever node inside the halls.


    That's all, more maps should be uploaded soon. Have fun, guys.
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    I know it says you don't have screenshots right now but:

    This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic
    on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!

    Besides that, sounds good!
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    I've read that, and screen shots will be available A.S.A.P, and edited into the first post that i've made ( with all the maps in it, i'm not sure what to call it ). They should be up by tomorrow.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    I would que-u if I didn't have that stupid 100-custom content limit running down my back.
    But yeah, next time, read the rules.
  5. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Lol I just have to laugh at how they are all foundry
  6. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Yea, cuz those are the best kind of map packs... [/sarcasm]
  7. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Why all the hate for Foundry? It's fun to mess around in, and this website is a place to let others have a chance to play on your creations.
  8. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Well, in a map pack, usually its a different map used to create each map in the pack, nothings wrong with foundry.. And anyways, I hope we haven't scared you off, we want you to feel welcome..
  9. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    I have gotten a hostile vibe from you all, but i'm forcing myself to take it as constructive critisizm. I'm a half-full kinda guy :D.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    We sometimes tend to come off as hostile, especially when someone comes here and doesnt follow the posting guidelines. Then we're like a bunch of rabid dogs.

    Just ignore our seeming hostility, and re-edit your post to include pics and look all nice and pretty. Maybe take a look at some other posts to see how people do it here. Then just try to assimilate yourself into the community by acting like a jerk too.

    We'll all get along just fine then, lol.

    On the plus said you at least have detailed descriptions of your maps. Although I dont feel like reading a book right now, I assume that they are good descriptions. Once you have pics, that will be the true test.

    FH members can be extremely judgemental, thats because we want everything to be perfect. Because perfect is better than imperfect. If you take that the wrong way you may hate us, but the truth is that it will make you a better forger.

    Welcome to FH !!! :squirrel_grouphug:
  11. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    WHAT!?! Titmar being nice? I just decided not to comment here cuz I'm trying to be nicer, but I'm definitely not that nice....
  12. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Titmar seems like a pretty nice fellow, what do you have against him?

    Yea, i'm sure that the pictures will do them justice. Also, i'm working on another map that i'm probably going to edit into here, also. I've had a few test plays with a few friends and they say that it's my best map yet. I'm looking foward to posting it.
  13. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    [​IMG]Get out of FH while you still can!!!

    No, just kidding. We don't mean to put down any of your maps, we're really trying to help you improve them.
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    Lol, so wrong.

    Ok guys lets stop dry-humping his topic and wait till he gets pics up.
  15. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Dom says Oi: The Map-Pac; Now available.

    All screenshots are now up. Enjoy, people.
  16. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You need to embed the screens man! :squirrel_chatting:
  17. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no offence but you need to tidy up the post...idk if its me but i can see all the tags in front of links in all.
  18. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks fine on my computer, i don't know what's going on with you guys.
  19. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I decided to give you a break and comment on your map pack. First of all, Confinement and Apocolyptic appear similar in the sense that you built Confinement first, then changed the placement of turrets, boxes, and crates; while keeping the same map design in order to make Apocolyptic. However these are much more organized and creative than the other two. Obituary seems like a "Vehicle friendly map" meaning it revolves around vehicles since I know nothing of the weapons on map. As for Shotty Hall, it looks as if its only meant for close quarters combat which would eliminate it being played with any other gametypes. Map one gets my vote out of the four. Good work and efforts.
  20. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know about all this your post isn't tidy stuff, but it looks good to me. Kudos on having the balls to do all that typing. Now for the maps, shotgun hall, not supremely original but I'd give it a shot. Confinement look most original, I like how you threw in lots of scenery and junk, that almost always works well. As for Obituary, I've seen that type of thing over and over on this forum alone, what makes it so different to make it shine above the rest. All in all, good job. 7/10

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