What's NAT exactly? I have moderate NAT and apparently that's bad, but I don't really notice anything that happens when I play that's bad. If I make my NAT open, will it affect anything, because why even make NAT moderate or strict in the first place if open is so good???
It won't effect anything. It's an easy thing to do if you know how to handle you router. Leaving on moderate won't let you connect to some games. For Halo you will want it open on a manual open IP.
but...how do you do that? and yeah i haven't been able to connect to a few parties, so i guess it's my NAT
My friend and I both have Open NATs, the best for Halo 3 yet we still cannot get into parties together.
Here's my router's setup. I'm not going to go into detail to how to change this stuff because there are 1000's of sites that say how. MTU Manual 1364 -Open Ports- Xbox 88 88 Both (Manual ip of your xbox) Enabled Xbox2 2303 2303 Both (Manual ip of your xbox) Enabled Halo3 3074 3074 Both (Manual ip of your xbox) Enabled *EDIT* Have you opened the right ports for Halo 3 crooked? It'll say open for xbox live but it doesn't check for games.
it really depends on your router company. for me its a 2WIRE and u need to do http://home/ in IE :squirrel_wtf:
http://www.portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Halo/Haloindex.htm There's a good place, has a guide for every router ever. It'll show you how to open the ports for Halo 1, 2, and 3
Routers suck, you should of asked your isp for a modem with multiple ports. My modem has 4 enet ports and wireless, and its not a router. I never have connection issues, because its basically my xbox plugged directly into my modem, i dont have to worry about the BS routers cause. I cant wait to get my home internet connection back on
http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Buffalo/WHR-HP-G54/Halo.htm There you go, all you need is to put your xbox's ip at the top *EDIT* Heh, penguish I wouldn't feel safe there without a router or some form of protection...
Its a AT&T modem, why woudlnt you feel safe? to use the wireless youd have to guess the password. Only i know it. Its on the bottom of the modem.
My NAT was open before, but after Xbox Live started experiencing problems, I would get the notification that my NAT is moderate everytime I go matchmaking, even though I didn't fiddle with my router at all. Can anyone explain? D: Is it just Microsoft being stupid? Oh and, if my computer and my 360 are connected to the same router, the IP is the same right? I'm a complete nub at this kind of stuff.
My xbox and tv are in a different room than the computer... so i use wireless, but my connection is still pretty good on CoD4 i get 3/4 green bars and on halo i'm normally green too.
I won't go into details, (if I knew your IP or cared to look it up) but I could fake my MAC address to be yours and trick your modem to thinking I am you. From there I could do whatever. I wouldn't do anything though, but Cisco Networking Security is what I'm taking in school so this is kinda my job to tell you
Ouch...Fbu is throwing it down. Right now I am in Computer repair. So I am learning basically everything a computer is made up of. Not that it is relavent, but since you are taking a class I decided I would tell you about mine.
Going completly OT, I wish I took that class before I came to mine so I could get an easy job at Best Buy =(
In the Overtime of OT We use a program called Testout...You watch videos then take tests that you can retake as many times as you want. AND you can check to see the correct answer. VERY Pointless. Anyways it is extremely boring. Dont really reccomend it.