Well earlier, me and matty were discussing how fun it would be to have a Halo 2 event. Some people, aswell as me prefer halo 2 to halo 3. I think it would be a pretty good idea to have some sort of event where people go back to halo 2 for a night or a tournament for example. I know some people have moved on and thrown out there disc (bastards) but if we could get the numbers i think it would be a great idea. Post your ideas.
we should deffinatly have a Halo 2 event. i know alot of people would be more then happy to participate in something like this
I agree, it would be fun, but it wouldn't be happening soon, because we have more stuff in store, but feel free to hold an unofficial one!
Im going to organise this paul dont worry, if you like, i can collect some GT's of Halo 2 players, if we get enough well do some events. They will mostly be obj games though, we'll take a tour of all the maps, BR starts. EDIT: Closed, move the topic to this thread so i can monitor it.