Oh my god blaze that area with the geomerged boxes into the pipes with the Shield door - Its genious why couldn't I think of that I'll Download and give some feedback but seriously this look far better then all your other maps, and I liked all your others lol
wow looks quite good! i remember in ur sig u had the pic sayin' coming soon... back then it looked good too! my ffavorite thing is how it looks like a city with bridges one skyscrapers... and how those bridges have arches underneath... great job!
I LOVE YOU GUYS :-D .....not in a wierd way.. but you know. haha. thanx alot. enjoy it. i spent alot of time on that.
this map looks very good. I love the interlocking and tall buildings. ill have to queue it and get back to you.
NICE! its got great interlocking, its well ballenced, and i can see you put alot of effort into it so i give it a 5/5.
I love this. That's beautiful. Simple, yet playable, and I can definitely see it being used. I hate when Forgers use nice tricks or a new idea, but fail to make it benefit the map at all. You had some very nice use of Fence Walls around the whole map. Fence Wall ramps are my favorite, because they're time consuming (at least, for me they are), and it shows one's dedication to making it look nice and pretty. I give a 4/5, only because I can't see any focus of the map. I can't see where the "hot spots" are, but that's probably 90% due to the fact that I'm only looking at pictures. Great map, bro.
The whole map is a hot spot... I just played it Blaze and its awesome every part has an epic feel to it I honestly think this could easily be featured... This is by far the best Asymetrical Map on foundry since Renegade, Don't get me wrong I loved renegade but this has a much more fresh look to it, You took every aspect of forging and served it in a nice cake. Iceing too, GJ!
thank you. this is a very nice reply. maybe check the map out and tell me if i get a 5/5 :-D there not really a hotspot to the map only b/c i try as much as i can to get the whole map to be used.. know what i mean? this kids got the idea. thank you so much chicken dippah
looks pretty cool i was looking foward for this and im not disapointed, some coolo features and im sure it plays as good as it looks good job
I would say add more cover to the open spaces. But the interlocking is clean and the idea is good. 4/5
Dude! This looks so well done! I've been looking forward to this map ever since Battery since it was such a good map. The base at the part of foundry that drops back must've taken forever to do, props to you for taking that on. The bridges using stairs as the supports are a great aesthetic touch too. I'll DL this one, it seems like a lot of fun. Can't wait til Haymaker, good work.
i dont understand why people havent payed more attention to this map.its actually really well built and even looks nice to the eyes. when i played on it with some friends, we had a good time. the layout was fresh, and not rehashed in the slightest. it gave some pretty good gameplay. my only gripes are the lack of close range power weapons. a shotgun or sword wouldve worked magically for this map without ruling it. the other one is that i didnt like the shield doors thing. im not a fan of them. thats personal preference though. love the map. 4.7/5