Hi I Am A New Member Here And I Wanted To Show All Of You Guys My Map. This Is The Only Picture You Need. It Has Over 800 Downloads and 52 Ratings 4/5 _______________________________________________________________ Description This Is A House Canvas That Has 2 Floors ,1 Attic, Swimming Pool With Diving Board,An Elevator, and 302$ Left to Spend. Ps. There Is No Gametype because like i said its a house "canvas" _______________________________________________________________ Download The Map Here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _______________________________________________________________ Enjoy!
Try this to upload pics: 1) Go to bungie screenshots 2) Double click the screens you wish to upload twice and save to desktop when the box shows up 3) Go to an image hosting website such as Photobucket 4) If you don't have an account on this, make one and access your photo album 5) Upload the pictures from desktop by pressing the blue Upload button 6) Take the direct link from the uploaded picture 7) Go onto forgehub and put in the code- without spaces. I hope this helps you out. PM me with any questions or concerns you may have. Good luck!
That's a pretty well-done guide! Smackdown, please don't double post here - it's against the rules :\
the link wont work for me. sounds pretty cool. But would been better if you used the money glitch canvas though.
Hey, this looks nice, I like the interlocking. Do you think you could add more pics though. So people get a bigger look at the house. Welcome to FH