Hangar 02 V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Insane54, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    [aname=1]Hangar 02 V2[/aname]
    Two rival flag-making companies duke it out in an epic duel to the death.


    Download Hangar 02 V2 (Map)
    Download Hangar 02 CTF (Recommended Gametype)
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    • [jumpto=2]Backstory[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=3a]Map description[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=3b]Video[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=3]Weapons/Equipment/Vehicles[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=4]Pictures[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=5]Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Alpha[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=6]Special Thanks[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=7]Download[/jumpto]

    "Sir! Sir!" the journalist calls out as shells cascade down from the turret, "What’s the situation here?"
    "Can't talk right now, the battle... DOWN DOWN DOWN!", the soldier on the turret roars as a rocket screams overhead, missing the journalist by inches.
    "Well, can you at least tell me why you are stationed here? This is a very important piece and the bonus I'll get... Let's just say that stories like this will never be an issue again."
    "There has been a recent issue with illegal cloning and the fact that cloning equipment was damaged after the 'Great War', leading to serious defects and mutating biochemistry."
    "Can you please elaborate on this cloning situation for our readers?"
    The solider suddenly turns back to his turret and starts blazing away, the white of the muzzle flash almost completely obscuring his view, even through his night-vision goggles. He stops shooting momentarily, and without looking he replies, "There have been worries that what they might have created may have the same mental and physical characteristics of the 'Flood'. They might even carry the same basic cell structure, which could lead to the inevitable fact that there is no escaping this parasitic species."
    "Are you saying that what we might have here is universal epidemic?"
    "No, not at all. We are the reason why nothing will come of it. We are the special ops division of UNSC known as the DUCKS."
    "The Ducks, are you kidding me? We are giving our last chance at humanity to a military squad known as the Ducks?"
    "It is foreseen that we are to be mocked because of this name, but if you make a first impression based on our name, then you are a fool. Excuse me for a second..."
    The solider yells uninterpretable words at the rest of the squad, and turns back to the journalist.
    "Is this almost done yet?"
    "Just one more question. How do you plan on stopping this threat in its tracks?"
    "We have a certain strategy that has never failed at battle. The enemy's defeat will occur regardless of any turn of events..."
    [jumpto=5]Click here to jump to Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Alpha[/jumpto]

    [aname=3a]Map Description[/aname]
    Thanks to Allseeing and Lone for the backstory and description. Also note that the words on the hangar are actually 'Hangar 92'. It looks like a 0 on my screen, though. So, my mistake. (Thanks...ish to Matty for bringing that to my attention)

    Hangar 02 V2 is a perfectly symmetrical (two team) map that incorporates many strategies not found in the average map, making this one of the best Rat's Nest variants in existence. Whilst looking plain to the unwary eye, Hangar features tactics that once accustomed to the minor nuances of the map, gives many possibilities to the player, letting them make quick decisions to alter the course of battle. One action can destroy a team, change the game flow, make a rescue, or bring down your team and obliterate all hopes of making it through the battle victorious.

    One of many tactics involve using the series of pipes above the level, and pounce like a neenja and grab the flag, or launch a suprise attack on the enemy. While gaining access to these pipes is no easy feat, you can circumvent the entire battle by using the grav lift underneath your flag spawn. Be careful, the enemy can use the same tactic. A shotgun is can be very useful in 1v1 fights on the pipes.

    Highly recommended is an optional gametype, Hangar 02 CTF. This gametype includes many small (but important) fixes to normal gameplay. Even without it, this map will play great on all gametypes short of infection.

    With great spawns, supreme tactics, perfect weapon choice AND placement, this map will have you begging for more.


    Thanks to RunningChron for the video.


    Click here to go to the Youtube page


    [aname=3]Weapons/Equipment/Vehicles on Map[/aname]
    Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time
    MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System [MA5C ICWS Assault Rifle] - 6 - Assorted
    BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 4 - Assorted
    Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel [SRS99D-S2 AM] - 2 - 120
    M90A Close Assault Weapon System [CAWS Shotgun] - 2 -120
    M7/Caseless Submachine Gun - 8 - 30
    M19 SSM Rocket Lawn Chair - 1 - 150
    Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Galileian Nonlinear Rifle [Spartan Laser] - 2 - Never
    LAU-65D/SGM-151 Missile Pod - 1 - Never
    AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun - 2 - 180

    Vehicles and Equipment
    M274 Mongoose ULATV - 2 - 30
    TR/9 Antipersonnel Mine - 2 - 150
    Personal Anti-Gravity Deployment Unit - 2 - 120
    BT79 Projectile Deflecting Enclosure [Bubble Shield] - 1 - 60
    UNSC Standard Issue Blinding Flare - 2 - 90
    Portable Radar Distraction Unit [Radar Jammer] - 1 - 180
    Active Photon Diffusion Camouflage - 1 - 60

    Weapon details taken from halo.wikia.org


    Click on any image to see it in HD 1024x576 resolution.
    Thanks L0N3 S0LD13R for the pictures.

    An overview of the middle of the map.

    View from your flag, looking towards the middle.

    Under the flag is the grav lift...

    ...which you use to get on the pipes. You can then...

    ...run all the way around like a NEENJA!


    [aname=5]Ducks of Onyx Strategy 1: Quack Protocol Alpha[/aname]

    The Ducks of Onyx are a matchmaking/custom game group started in TGIF #7 in the European party. Assigning his players by MLG-like names, Insane led his team to epic victory in match after match. What came from this is the Ducks of Onyx. We strive to be the best in all of Halo, by usage of our epic 1337 ducky maneuvers, and our awesome Duck names. Click on any image below to see it in HD 1024x576 resolution.

    Duck 1 (Insane54) grabs the shotgun and grav lift and starts journey around pipes. Duck 3 (Matty) grabs the Sniper Rifle and protects the approach of Ducks 2 (Roche178) and 4 (Shoruka). Duck 4 goes for the Rocket Lawn Chair while Duck 2 goes opposite side and grabs Bubble Shield.

    Duck 2 and 4 push up into enemy hangar, Duck 3 protects their assault. Flying Duck Formation (shown above) is done, bringing the Ducks close to the flag. Duck 1 drops down, grabs flag, and runs. Duck 2 drops Bubble Shield in the way of approaching enemies, and the Ducks retreat for a capture.


    [aname=6]Special Thanks[/aname]
    Very big thanks to the following people:
    Ty - We DID make the first one together, regardless of what you think...
    L0N3 S0LD13R - The pictures were epic, even though the backstory got uber pwnt and i redid the spawn areas completely. <3 anyway.
    AllseeingEntity - Backstory and Description. Now I can stop bugging you to get on Skype and start bugging you to get on XBL.
    Shock Theta - "WHA--?!!"
    Matty - "You know thats a 9, right..?"
    Roche178 - "Just 3 more seconds..."
    The Ducks of Onyx - FTW.


    [aname=7]Please remember to download, rate, and offer feedback here and on Bungie.net.[/aname]

    Download Hangar 02 V2 (Map)
    Download Hangar 02 CTF (Recommended Gametype)

    [jumpto=1]Click here to go back to top[/jumpto]
    #1 Insane54, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2009
  2. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is epic a true Duck creation good work Insane I think our strategy should help those less Godly non-Duck players to get better.
    M.Jelleh likes this.
  3. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map. had great time lol.

    this was fun to play/ test/ and brainstorm ideas on. i love your map description, did you write it? it's brilliant. lol
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    And yet, the only thing I remember was, 'Nice tripmine, asshole.'

    lol, yay, it's done. I think I'll just say 'Yipee!' and leave it at that.
  5. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That pip thing is unique and smart =P i want to be neeja now so i gun download when i get chance cuz i cant play rigth now good job looks fun!
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    WOW greatest post since tension, and possibly even better, I'm just sad that i'm not in any of the duck formations...

    the map itself is epic, we all know that, CTF is almost perfected here, and no one can win against our supreme duck tactics!
  7. DARKLORD123456

    DARKLORD123456 Ancient
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    The mighty ducks lololz..
    I DLed the map and its looks really good from the pics but what i really wanna try is those awesome duck manuvers lol.
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    everyone wishes they were us! btw those maneuvers were orchestrated by our professional tactitions, they are very complex, and without proper training, could not be executed to their fullest tactical value.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    this looks great. I love the strategy that seems to be a large portion of this map. The back story is wondeful. I love that there's geo merging on Rat's Nest. I love the weapon placement, the jumps, the neenja moves, yay. I love being a NEEJA
  10. mastercon46

    mastercon46 Ancient
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    This looks like an awesome map, the backstory is pretty good also its nice to see a map on Rats Nest
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Can't wait to see how you changed this up. The original version is one of my favorite CTF maps of all time, so this has a lot to live up to. With the amount of time it took to make this, I'm sure it will be just as great.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    "Two rival flag-making companies..."

    I laugh at that, every time. This map is a legend, a tribute to the old days of ForgeHub. So much strategy involved, it almost seems impossible this was built in forge.
  13. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    This map looks very strategic and fun. I love how you did the weapons list (M19 SSM Rocket Lawn Chair - 1 - 150)
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I beg to differ.


    But seriously:

    The first version was epic, though, I'm just curious (as I could not find in description) what were the differences amongst the versions.

    Also, I hope to play this in next TGIF =]
  15. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lolz nice duck formation, it looks like it works quite well, maybe you could include duck 5 by havin' him charge at the end after flag capture usein' the heavyest wepon he found while the ducks did there stratigee. also he could bring back up bubble sheild just incase the enemy uses suppresive fire then trys copyin ur stratigee... that was funny when the ducks were included in the backstory... overal looks like a nice map! looks as if u need a very gould stratigee... i'll try to download even though i cant...:,(
    #15 bluepenguin23, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  16. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nicely done insanse I respect how difficult it is to geomerge on rats nest and with that precision you deserve cake. Dling now as I adored v1! I would give feedback but you know already how well this plays :)
  17. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Sadly Duck 5, this is before your time.
  18. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice, u clearly spent a lot of time
  19. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good map and idea ill dl and check out. looks fun!
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Most fixes are small, but thers a ton of little fixes. It looks better, plays better and faster, and I think it more fun than the previous one. Weapons are completely redone, along with cover, the flag spawns, respawn points and areas, interlocking, etc. The gametype also adds alot to it.

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