How to make people like your map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mortarion, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    This is only for beginners, so don't start complaining if your good with maps. Ok, here are the basics of making people like your map.

    Posting Your Map
    First off, abide the rules. I know it sounds a bit basic, just do it. A good presentation makes all the difference.

    Describing it well can also help people to get a feel of a map, aswell as good pictures.

    Your Map
    Plan your map well. Don't just go into forge with no ideas of any map whatsoever. Propper preporation and planning prevents piss poor performance.

    Avoid open spaces. Unless your map is themed with an open space, try to avoid it by putting obstacles, boxes and cover in the big empty spaces.

    Test your map. Test your map before you post it. Remember, your trying to appeal to other people, not just yourself.

    Listen to feedback, people always like to see their ideas incorperated. Try to listen to people whenever possible.

    Balancing your map with looks and gameplay is the most important part of a map. Remember that a map that just looks good, and doesn't play well is bad for competetive maps. Or if it plays well, and looks garbage it's basically the same.

    MLG Specifics
    There is a specific guideline set for MLG maps.
    Weapons - There are a set of weapons for MLG. Br, Carbine, Mauler, Plasma Pistol, Rockets and Sniper. On foundry maps try to avoid using the Rockets or Sniper so the map doesnt focus on power weapons. Also there is no equiptment and only frag grenades and plasma grenades.

    Actual Map - Avoid using things like shield doors, grav lifts and man cannons. Unless it's map geometry, it won't look very good. Also weapon holders and teleporters are usually a no.

    I will update this more oftenly.

    +Rep appreciated :D

    #1 Mortarion, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. Rentless

    Rentless Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the little guide. I'll we waiting for you to update the guide.
  3. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Will you be sitting here overnight lol.

    I don't have enough time to update it though.
  4. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good post. Perhaps first-timers will pay attention to this , and maybe the FH Standards post.
  5. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    This is 100% of the reason why I will never make an MLG map. No fun at all...

    Not saying anything against those who do like MLG, but I like my weapons right where they should be: hanging from the ceiling.
  6. Viper Skills

    Viper Skills Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree on the part about a good presentation. Good spelling and what not always helps. Makes the author of the map seem more mature and credible.
  7. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nope, that's not good enough, here at forgehub, there's a group of people that exist, if they like the map, it's liked by millions, if they have a beef against you, no one will like your maps save for the newbs... it's a horrible system, but in order to have your maps liked, you have to be in the "in" crowd... this "in" crowd just happens to be the staff of forgehub... sucks, doesn't it?

    And this "in" crowd likes aesthetics... they'd prefer good aesthetics to good gameplay.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well then make a map that plays well and look great. its not that hard. it just takes time. i personally dont like aesthetics myself i just like a clean, neat well played map.
  9. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Remember any feedback, or anything you want me to put up there is appreciated :D

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