I'm new and I was wondering how to get your map featured. I saw some featured maps on the homepage and I was thinking that mine could be just as good. I don't know if you just post a map and if many people view it and like it, the admin(s) will make it a featured map. Or if you post a map in some "featured map thread" and that's where the admin(s) will decide if your map is good enoigh. Please let me know what to do.
if the staff decide that they like your map, or that one small improvement could get it featured, they will message you.
rule #1 it has to be a great map, leave the community with some thing to rave about. thats pretty much it yeah.
it takes time it wont b featured right away so just do ur best on ur map and take advise and use it, once all the sweat and blood is over it will pay off
The trick is to interlock everything into the floor. People will immediately be astounded by your use of your free time. And then you're on your way to getting featured!
says the man who i can never remember having a featured geo-merged map, then again, neither have i =P
Hm, the map I'm gonna post soon has merging in the floor, perhaps it may get featured, if you're logic is not flawed.
it's asper, his logic is about as solid as water... lol jk. but i too am a geo merge (feature) virgin, but one day that may change... asper, why don't you make maps anymore? your maps were smexy.
Hmm, smexy? :squirrel_blush: I didn't know you were like that... lololololjk. Lol, anyway... I do, I actaully have three maps lined up for some final testing soon, and then I gotta start working on videos for them. On top of that I have two maps that I just started, one being a squeal to The Last Level (witch ironically isn't the last level.) Edit: I'm bored, you're welcome to see them now if you like...
Oh, I have to be on Haloz, damn. Nah, cbf turning on the 360 right now, I'm doin homework while hubbing. Edit: We've gotten pretty off topic.