Wow, well, Social: 1 Perfection 1 Killionaire 1 Hell's Janitor! (Or mabe 5 exterminations). Ranked: 2 Exterminations 1 Sharpshooter 154 Lasers! There are all available for checking. Not that you care.
On one account, I have a Killionare in social, but it was legit. It was in Multi Team, and all I used was sniper and BR. I also have a couple perfections, rampages, and untouchables.
dude, i've always wanted to have one of those.... once, in a btb, we had 15 people that had it, one didnt. we all flamed him the entire game. poor kid
RANKED 2,831 BRs 41.26% 875 Beat downs 12.75% 627 Snipes 9.14% 1 Perfection 231 Killing Sprees 19 Killing Frenzys 4 Running Riots SOCIAL 1,432 BRs 51.70% 239 Snipes 8.63% 203 Hammer 7.33% 1 Perfection 117 Killing Sprees 14 Killing Frenzys 1 Running Riot
From my few accounts: Ranked: 3 Perfections 3 Rampages 1 Overkill Social: 5 Perfections 2 Untouchables 1 Killionaire 1 Vehicular Manslaughter (made me laugh so hard) ALL LEGIT
dont play alot of ranked so here are my non weekend event medals: 4 exterminations 1 perfection 1 invincible (+sharp shooter)
splatter with a cone: and can some1 explain what the kill with the spartan falling is?
Ranked: 1 Rampage 3 Running Riots 1 Perfection Social: 2 Exterminations [in the same game (on my cousins account)] 2 Running Riots 18 Killing Frenzys
Either my two ranked exterminations in ranked, one of them was with only an assualt rifle or my 592 sticks in only 802 games in ranked. My Untouchable in social isn't ot bad either.
Ranked: 1 Perfection 2 Invincibles 1 Extermination Social: 7 Perfections 2 Killamanjaros (1 Zombies, other Legit BTB in my file share) 1 Invincible
Ranked: 1 Kill with a cone 1 Rampage 5 Perfections 36 Steaktaculars 10 Running Riots 474 Double Kills 1079 Beatdowns This was done within 555 Ranked Games.