I dont mind RBTB, now that its Double EXP, if it was alway Double EXP maybe it wouldnt have to be taken behind the barn and shot. Anyway, I'm not bummed if this leaves, but I still enjoy playing it.
'Tis a shame, I enjoyed to dabble in RBTB every now and again. Hopefully something better will replace it though.
I'm really happy for this. We already have Social BTB. And that is where it belongs. Social. I look foreward to a replacement, hopefully a 4v4. Perhaps a return of team tactical ?
In the few RBTB matches I've played, there were a lot less of people acting like douchebags and a lot more of people acting like a team than ever goes down in social BTB. It'll be a shame to see it go if indeed it does.
that is actually true, i remember my team actually following me and firing back at blue team when in social they would be driving around the map trying to get kills instead. Im going to miss that playlist the only teamwork that will happen is with your friends
i.. LOVED RBTB!!! oh well.. i guess this is just gonna add to my social stats and im gonna end up a field capitain or whatever
rbt was win, i was a 21 in it before i pretty much stopped playing mm...forge took over my life xD (halo life that is...) and ya, if they're getting rid of it, they should at least replace it with team snipers....
I've never understood why they added RBTB. I don't really care if it's there, but BTB is like the poster boy of casual, giving it a ranking system just seemed odd. This sounds really good. I've only played a little head to head but it seems like the waypoint just turns it into a game of leapfrog. Sniper would be the perfect alternative too, the gametype so drastically changes how you play a level, seems like it should be in there just for variety's sake. And so that those who hate Snipers never have to suffer through it. Personally I'd love to get back the old DLC objective, playing Avalanche over and over again was just the best.
They could just reduce the amount of people that could play in a party for Ranked, like 6v6 just so that it speeds up search times faster, like they do every other playlist with Ranked and Social counterparts.
Ranked BTB was one of my favorites, I'm going to miss it. It was like a regular BTB that you could actually gain rank in, and that's what made it fun. I think people just don't play it that much because of the time it takes to find a game, and match you up, and not restart the search. And because everyone's connection had to be impecable (which hardly ever happens). But if it has to go, I'm fine with it. Hope something cooler comes along to replace it.
I can't has Ranked BTB? Well I never played it anyway ,but we did have a team the un-official one at that.But hopefully they replace it with team snipers or something at least that will save me from boredom.Reminds me of how they took it away from me in Halo 2 when I was gunna get a level 30 (legit!)
Most playlists had it highs and lows but RBTB just sucked imo , the ranked feeling changed the whole idea of a casual gametype so it just wasnt as fun as the regular. No fun , No popularity.
I liked rbtb tbh :S,frankly its head to head that needs to be shot not rbtb. ill be sad face to see it go but if it has too... Hey how about a 4v4v4?Then again there wouldnt be any objective since halo "3" is gay like that. I dont like team snipers tbh,when everyone has one i just dont think its as much fun.Its just about camping rather than aiming but hey thats just my opinion.I do love sniper hill though thats crazily fun ^^ Back to the three teams idea,on say the pit the sword room could be the third base. ugh..what other maps could be retrofitted for three bases?
Yes i remember playin ctf avalanche it is the bomb. hit me up if your going to dlc objective gt Blakem0n92 There will be double xp for 4v4v4v4 oddball with only 3. idk how that will turn out my guess is the one team without the ball will always be frantic and will die down once they have a ball.