CROSSFIRE MAP CROSSFIRE MAP Created by YOUR NAME HERE Supported Gametypes: LIST OF SUPPORTED GAMETYPES FOR YOUR MAP HERE This map is only for team slayer. Map Description DESCRIBE YOUR MAP DESIGN, LAYOUT AND ANYTHING OF INTEREST _________________________________________________ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIRST PICTURE HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download MAP NAME HERE Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE
i think u posted a guideline, u need yo put in info for your map and especially embed your pics. i use photobucket, it is easy and free.
"First post"ing is considered spam, so don't do that anymore. And yes, there is a guideline for posting. You need at least one embedded screenshot in your post so here's a quick tutorial: 1) Go to bungie screenshots 2) Double click the screens you wish to upload twice and save to desktop when the box shows up 3) Go to an image hosting website such as Photobucket 4) If you don't have an account on this, make one and access your photo album 5) Upload the pictures from desktop by pressing the blue Upload button 6) Take the direct link from the uploaded picture 7) Go onto forgehub and put in the code- without spaces. I hope this helps you out. PM me with any questions or concerns you may have. Good luck!
you didn't imbed or even link to your pics, nobody else post here because that just bumps him. at least give a description or something, all I know is your name. you forgot to fill in the capital letters!!!
This is probably the demonstration of failure of following the map guidelines. Not only did he do them, he also posted them. This is Kagemusha and I support this message.