Up-Rising Up-Rising is an infection map I made a while ago, I finally decided to post it, it is my first map. Up-Rising is to be played with the game type, Up-Rising zombies. Zombies run faster then humans, but have less health and cannot jump very high. Humans spawn in the tunnels being chased by zombies. They need to get to the base ASAP This is the zombie spawn -sorry its small, it says picture not available on bungie.net, so i figured this is better then nothing. This is the human spawn, it is close enough to the base that humans should be able to survive Here is the best i could do for an overview. This is the main base you want to get to if you are a human Here is a second mini base underneath the stairs(which are merged together well) Here is the map link Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is the game type Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
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This map would look better if there was interlocking and can't the humans just grenade jump on top of the maze?
The unlimeted budget glitch will fix your money problem, but since this is an older map i'll assume that you posibly made thhis map before it was widely used. otherwise it looks like a decent first map.
-Ya, your right i had no idea, and it was right after i learned how to interlock too. the map im making now is much better. A sample-The brink/Break-i havent decided on a name If anyone wants to help me out fixing/testing or even forging that'd be cool. I'm only about a quarter to halfway done so my GT is Bloumbas if you wan send me a message i think my friends list is full