Download Map Players= 4-16 Gametypes= CTF, Assault, KOH, Slayer This is made for CTF. It has a Spartan base and a Covenant base. In the Spartan base you have two caged Warthogs, 1 Warthog ( driveable ), 2 mongeese. Also you have a machine turret, rocket launcher, spartan laser, sniper rifle, 3 assault rifles, 1 shotgun, 4 spike grenades, 1 trip mine, 1 energy taker, 2 cover shields. The Spartans have the upperhand as far as protecting the flag and sheer force. The base has a traditional set up with a building, a few rooms, and a sniping point. The Covenant base has a ghost dispenser ramp at the front, ( un able to snipe, a shield protects it ). The Covenant base has lots of shields and corners. They have 2 Active Camo, 2 plasma turets, 2 Carbines, 6 plasma grenades, 4 plasma rifle, 2 plasma pistol, 1 energy taker, 1 gravity hammer, 1 sword, 2 needlers. The Covenat base has 2 parts, the front and the back. Both have a Wraith in the side panels with shieldskeeping them from going anywhere. The base looks very different from the Spartan base. The middle area ( or choke point ) has 1 shotgun, 1 fire bomb, 1 asault rifle, 1 turret, 2 spiker, 2 spike grenade. The middlearea is a mix of open combat on one side, and closed on the other. It has places to take out the plasma turrets. And defend the narrow entrance into the Spartan base ( the other entrance is wider). This map is lots of fun to play CTF.
Looks extremely fun for slayer and ctf good use of the map using all of it nice interlocking good job i say 4/5 =P
Only in the firstpart of the Covenant base. I did this on purpose to give it you an eerie feeling walking in knowing that there is two Active camos. The spartan base has none. I wanted two very didtinct differences in the two.
hmm maps looks ok but im starting to hate all of these names for maps like black betty,mary jane,ect. its kinda getting annoying to me. 4/5
Bambalam? But on a serious note, the shield doors' placement makes the map look a little bit sloppy. Though I understand why they were placed, the fact that they're kinda sitting out there in the middle for no apparent reason is a bit of a bad thing. 4/5, good job!
I like the interlocking but not the shield doors. They annoy me. The map does look pretty fun though 3.5/5
Sorry, but I don't understand why there are caged warthogs. Does it give it the feel of the pit, like the outside is a military camp?
enough shield doors!?? lol jk jk i actually like it. it gives it sort of a different feel great work! Peace!
the pics dont show enough of the map for me to see the total floorplan in my head. i like the first pic though. it looks real neat
Thats two maps, I only can think of these two maps and Mary Jane is a reference to marijuana =] I think this map has a lot of potential however if a reviewer who was an expert in the field of reviewing would say this map is bad due to the unbalanced nature of fighting - I know thats what you intended but according the the review teams that is a bad idea which is why they hate infection style maps. I'd say the layout is pretty awesome for a FFA map however it could do with having some multi-layering. I also particularly like the rocket launcher spawn ( I think ) its only accesable to a grenade jump playing the risk / advantage game style which is usually a winner Overall good job on the concept!
The shield doors ( if you would read and not just look at the pics, are only in one generalized part of the map) Mary Jane is a reference to Tom Petty. : ) This isnot an infection map at all. It is a CTF map. Grenade jump toa flame throwerIforgot to take out. If you can grenade jump with everyone shooting at you in the choke point then go for it. Thanks. Caged warthogs are forthe purpose of looks, defense, and I just think its cool.
Lol I'm not so sure if you know what Mary Jane stands for. (Lets just say Health Class...) BUt a very cool map design. PS. It's illegal and addictive and is grown from a cannibis Sativous. (Health Class again =(.) Amd I probly spelt the plant wrong.
I don't necessarily like the layout of this map. I don't see any parts in the middle where you can snipe from up high, or jump to that would be useful. There also seems to be not a lot of cover in the middle, which is basically a whole lot of walling. Another thing that was mentioned before many many times... the shield doors. No one likes that many. I can stand 1, 2 tops.