well sorry to get your hopes up i did not lie to you but you can only put invisable barriers in one place a certain door on ghost town your probably still skeptical so i will post a tut now with pics here we go Tutorial now your probably waiting for a rickroll or this is sparta or some crap like that well its true so heres the tut step one. go to the spot on ghost town featured in this pic step two place a door in this little openway it hould turn invisable step three manouver door to position/spot you want it in and let go it will stay invisable pic of me holding a invisable door/barrier step four rejoice you have just made your own invisable barrier in the only place you can do it! pic of sticky bouncing off door :squirrel_chatting: also soory if this has already been posted but i didn't see it on here so i decided to post this tutorial edit:i can totally see this is not a very popular thread
I've seen this many times, but I never figured how to do. I'm saying he didn't find it, just posted it.
It'd be useful, but frustrating at the same time. It'd be amusing for when playing with your friends.
My friend Muskrat has a Foundry canvas with an invisible barrier blocking out the default bases from the center barrier back. I don't know how on earth he made it, or whether or not he even made it, but it's really cool. He said he'll put it up on his share once he gets done with the new map he's making that utilizes it.
i made a map put door there upside down for effect turned invisable went and from than on knew exactly how to do it
Might have to do it just to see the looks on peoples faces when they chuck a plasma grenade and it bounces back at them! LOL!!
Imagine being 49 - 49 in the finals at some tournament and then trying to strongside through that doorway. Wow..
you have obviously misunderstood the tut it turns visable again once it is taken out of the doorway sorry to ruin your dreams again
Omg imagine how great this would be! The humans are ona last stand running from the zombies. They have finally found the big base. They see rocket launchers, brs, snipers, and all those powerful weapons. As they walk towards it, suddenly they stop. They look around like wtf and then walk foward. But nothing happens. Then the zombies own them.