this was one of the first maps i made and i thought i had deleted it, when i found it at the bottem of my huge list of foundry maps i just had to fix it up a bit. there is two starting places and a big middle building with a in door area with a shottie, there is a teleporter on each side that brings you to a platform with a sniper over the middle building, made for slayer. the only thing i changed from the orinigal was the wepon placement and the boundry wall. download map here sry my pics are broken i will put them up when i fix them
I'm sorry I commented so rashly, I did not realize the pictures were not working. Once this map has the pictures, like Chicken Dippuh I will comment on it accordingly, once again sorry for the mishap. And trust me I understand crappy computers, and I know you need time.
dude you need more photos to show how well you map is i suggest you get a acoount on photobucket its free save you images of you map to the computer then login to your photobucket account and upload them there and edit it to what ever color and size save it then take the image code copy it by just clicking on it and past it in the thread
This should help you embed Step one, Save your Pictures from to your home pc Step two, create an account for (its free) Step three, upload each individual screenshot from your computer to Photobucket Step four, choose the code that has and insert into your post via copy and paste Video to help Embed Any questions just PM on FH and i will be glad to help.
Omg people. He said he fixing them so stop spamming he knows what hes doing - Btw did any one ever say that having a high post count doesnt mean you make good maps... Albino Ill comment on the map when its up ok?
no i know how to embed them my computer is not letting me do it, i know how to fix it though they will be up in like a hour or two
cant wait to see what it looks like, FIX DEM PICS lol (and employee's of forgehub i didnt tell him to its encouragment >.<)