I really don't know what just happened, but I just tried to quote Jester and for some reason, when I posted, it flip flopped this with the beginning map description and pics and stuff... Very odd.... Well, as you can see, I've changed it back and I don't remember what I was going to say to Jester, so yea
This is excellent! I have yet to play it with my friends (because this seems like more of a big group map) when I do I will rate accordingly, but altogether it looks good, and it plays well.
i love tetris and this is freakin amazing!! im dling right now......oh wait, crap i am at the stupid limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!!! you interlock well, and i like the looks of this. Especially the KOTH variant that goes with it. I take it that the Guardians own this map?
WTF??? It flip flopped AGAIN! Except THIS time I somehow replied to my first post... I really don't know what's happening, well anyway... ... no, you can't, this map is meant to be like Tetris...
Map Link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Recommended to be used with Hammer n' Laser King of the Hill game type: Link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Youtube video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=WA_hy8QksL4Pictures of the map: ___________________________________________________________________________ Now that that's over with... The Map Description . . .I made this map because I've seen other maps with this idea, but none with a real overbearing feel to it. I knew I wanted people to be capable of using all game types and that's exactly what I did. Also, the reason that I named this map The New Tetris, because it reminded me of Tetris and trying to kind of work with the objects that are thrown at you. ALSO, there's a sidebar (as you can see in the youtube vid) which shows you what's going to be coming in about 10 seconds... So there isn't much more to it... . . .I hope you all enjoy the map and make sure to comment and rate!