This Map was made mainly for the game variant posted below so be sure to download it as well Download MAP Download Game Type This castle was built for Teamwork purposes and is all balanced out. Use your resources carefully and you will succeed only fools will rush in The Art of Equality and Balance You might wonder if the enemy's team has a wraith well how should we take it out, well on the top of the battlements of the tower (as seen in a screen shot) there is a spartan laser, but then the other team has two snipers they can destroy him with which also they will be able to destroy the turret guy on the defenders side. Which then the attackers can battle it out with the snipers on the defenders side. which in all this time the bomb carrier can be going around to one of the back entrances or side which you can have units inside to help defend against him. But Wait you might ask what about the wraith, there are bubble shields in the base that you can put to block the doors before they can blast open the front doors (note the wraith cannot move around). The bubbles shields are one of the most helpful things on the map if they wraith is not taken out The entrances There are four entrances all together all composed of two barriers which can be taken down in strategic matters using fusion coils near the back corners to blast your self above the barriers or the blast them down. The Wraith can be used to shoot down both the front and back barricades while also picking off nuisances snipers. Also You can brute shot jump some of the walls and use grenades to grenade jump over the back wall Detailed journey how to get the bomb through and score First go to one of the turned over wall corners and then pick up a weapon to give cover fire to the first battle. Then pick up the bomb and tell your team mate to blast down the doors with the wraith if they manage to throw down a bubble shield go around and use a fusion coil to blast yourself above the door or blast down the door (its faster just to blast yourself above the door and easier) and then have someone cover you with a sword and rush up the stairs. Then near the battlements of the tower is a gravity lift equipment throw that down and get up to the next level (if there is none in there check the equipment armory in the base for one). Then quickly run up jump on the dumpster and plant the bomb and guard it with the wraith or with your teammates. (Note if this may sound easy try battling it out while rushing up to plant it) Screen shots Armory Front View of castle Side view of castle Wraith Taking out spartan laser
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looks cool i might DL(some people are too lazy to click the link so they dont see some great maps lol...)