Download map Download gametype Backstory: "I thought our fans loved us! Why are they throwing stuff?" This is a small infection map. The zombies start in the stands, and throw grenades. Just stay up there and throw grenades. Please? Stands (Zombie Zone) The humans start on stage or in the back. Bacstage are three ARs, six SMGs (in the dumpster, lol), and one hidden Spartan laser that you'll need L337 skzllz to get. And what could those 18" barrels possibly be? Cough* stonehenge *cough. Backstage On the stage, there's a mike (flamethrower & bubble shield), a drum set ( SMGs and mines), and two guitars ( grav hammer and sniper, w/ deployable covers). There's also a hidden shotgun ( not hard to find....) and a teleporter that may or may not take you somewhere "fun". Stage Zombies should just stay up there, and throw those "tomatoes", then duck behind those shield doors. I know I didn't use the best interlocking, but have fun, comment, and rate!
sounds like a good idea please make your pictures bigger and add some more pictures too i cant see alot from the 3 small pictures
I've seen a better stage area before, but this is a good concept. Can I suggest a way to keep the zombies in while still being able to throw those 'tomatoes?' Okay, you have the bridge they are on, to make this idea look a little better, maybe make it a double box. Interlock a double wall into ti so that it only sticks up a little. Keep moving it up and down jsut a little until you can see over it looking straight, but you can see it if you look down even the slightest amount. Now make another double wall float over it a little bit, so you can see just under it when looking straight, but when you look just slightly up, you can see it. Connect the top wall to the back wall for better looks. Like This: Lookit my Epic Paint Skillz!!
Wow, I never really though of a map in this fashion. Excellent concept, and it looks like some good stress-relieving fun!!
I appreciate the suggestion, but they are supposed to be able to get out, in case a person is camping (especially LMS), and vice versa.
No one got the stonehenge thing? It's Spinal Tap!! 18" stonehenge replica? Midgets dancing around it and almost crushing it? My disbelief is going up to 11!
Ya I'm going to have to go with Ether this map is visually fun and I bet fun in the game, I will play sometime! Two thumbs up!
It wasn't fun when I played it. The zombies just jumped down and killed the humans or they just jumped outside of the map. It could have been fun if the zombies couldn't slice the humans or jump out. EDIT: It could have been that I didn't download the gametype XD I will try it again with the correct gametype. Soz.
EPIC paint skillz you have there, my friend. Looks like a pretty sweet map, though. I like the concept as well. You could name the map 'woodstock'.