
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Debo37, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Featured on ForgeHub! Click here!

    I finally present to you all my fourth map, known as
    Thanks to Raccio14 for the AWESOME banner!! Give him +Rep!!

    Interrobang was constructed totally above Blackout. The map itself is asymmetric and four stories tall, and has two distinct regions, Attack Side and Defense Side. This map is compatible with ALL GAMETYPES. When playing on this map, DO NOT ALTER GRAVITY SETTINGS SO THAT THEY ARE BELOW 100%!!! Doing so allows people to jump back to Blackout, and it’s generally not advisable to let people run around down there. Though there is a teleporter back, it's just not too fun.

    This map is more fun for Team games than Free For Alls, so I recommend playing team games if you want to accurately judge Interrobang’s playability.

    During the Covenant war, UNSC forces shipped various items of alien origin to Wartime Technology Research Center ?!-37 (codenamed “Interrobang” because of the ?! mark) for study and examination. Many alien objects were studied, including alien weaponry and alien transportation mechanisms. The information and knowledge gleaned was used in Weapon Development in order to hopefully turn the tide of the war. In fact, a team of crack UNSC scientists that worked aboard the Interrobang platform were responsible for the invention of the Spartan Laser, and the lesser known Shield Door Transport.

    Obviously, the platform was floating above a civilian weather research station, and as such had to be cloaked by the UNSC in order to prevent civilians from witnessing the classified activity that went on aboard the platform. However, after the Covenant war, WTRC ?!-37 was uncloaked, decommissioned, and abandoned, as there was no reason to continue Weapons Research. The platform was later condemned by the Antarctic Commission after a brief flyby, and nothing has been heard of it since. The Weather Station below has long since been deserted, and is now left barren and void of life.

    Map Structure, Layout, and Features

    Attack Side is vertically oriented.

    Attack side possesses the map’s signature feature: the Shield Door Transport. It is a one-way teleportation system that moves players from the Entrance to the Shield Door Exit, which is located near the top of the map.

    Attack side contains a BR, a Carbine, a Regenerator, a Fuel Rod Gun, two Plasma Rifles, Two Plasma Grenades, and a Plasma Pistol.

    Topside is located in the center of the map. This area has a great view of Attack side, and possesses a Beam Rifle and an Active Camouflage powerup. The two have different spawn times, so during any one game there is usually only one "invisible sniper."

    Nearby is the Tripmine Room, which contains a Tripmine (duh). A Sentinel Beam lurks nearby, however.

    Below Topside are a series of Catwalks made of flipped bridges. These catwalks connect Attack Side directly to Defense Side, and are a great choke point. Holding these catwalks is no easy task, but can be very rewarding, especially in Objective gametypes.

    Defense Side is moreso horizontally oriented than vertically.

    It has the most defensible location on the map, the Defense Hut. In Asymmetric gametypes, Objectives spawn within the Hut, whereas they spawn outside of it in Symmetrical gametypes.

    Behind the Defense Hut is a small catwalk made of flipped Staircases.
    Defense Side contains a BR, a Carbine, a Bubble Shield, a Spartan Laser, two SMGs, two Spikers, two Plasma Grenades, and a Mauler.

    Action Screens
    Vicious Vice “tripmine-grenades” a few people trying to capture Territory 1.

    TriggerHappy915 and mitona’s flying corpses prove how powerful a well-placed Plasma grenade really is.

    Green Fiends Gametype
    During conception of this map, I designed an Infection gametype, Green Fiends, that plays exceptionally well on Interrobang. It’s not required to play Interrobang, but it is a highly recommended download, as it is REALLY fun. The gametype itself is somewhat like Hide and Seek. Humans have active camo, and Zombies do not. However, Zombies wield Plasma Pistols whose shots instantly kill whoever gets in their way. Humans can fell Zombies in one Magnum headshot, but doing so disables their camouflage temporarily and makes them easily visible to the Zombies, possibly resulting in death. What results is a hectic Hide-and-Seek style game where Humans that miss their shots are forced to dodge green bursts of plasma while trying to find a new hiding place. This gametype works very well on smaller maps like Interrobang, Guardian, and even Epitaph.
    Green Fiends Screens: (rhyme intended)
    I missed my shot! I'm visible! I'm screwed...

    They say it hit under the arm, and penetrated the spine...

    Interrobang Weapons/Equipment List
    1 Fuel Rod Gun (1 spare clip, 90 sec respawn, not placed at start)
    1 Spartan Laser (90 sec respawn, not placed at start)
    1 Beam Rifle (120 sec respawn)
    2 BRs (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn)
    2 Carbines (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn)
    1 Sentinel Beam (60 sec respawn)
    1 Needler (2 spare clips, 60 sec respawn)
    2 ARs (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    2 SMGs (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    2 Spikers (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn)
    2 Plasma Rifles (30 sec respawn)
    1 Plasma Pistol (60 sec respawn)
    1 Mauler (1 spare clip, 60 sec respawn)

    4 Plasma Grenades (10 sec respawn)
    1 Regenerator (60 sec respawn)
    1 Bubble Shield (60 sec respawn)
    1 Tripmine (90 sec respawn)
    1 Active Camouflage (180 sec respawn)

    Recommended Gametypes
    One Flag
    Team Slayer
    One Bomb
    Multi Flag
    Team King
    Team Oddball
    Neutral Bomb
    (pretty much any team game)

    Enjoy my latest creation, and look out for more maps made by Debo37!

    Download Map Here
    Download Green Fiends
    #1 Debo37, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    looks very unique, i havnt seen many made like this on blackout. but IMO there are way too many weapons. if you were going to have that many may i suggest to have longer respawn times
  3. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map itself is actually pretty big. It might not look it from the screens, but in length alone it stretches from the back of BR tower to Elbow (measured against Blackout itself).
  4. rtlbeans

    rtlbeans Ancient
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    looks good but it looks like there are way to many weapons
    i will try it out
  5. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    I think that this is the first good map that i have seen on blackout. I love just the pure mentalness of being chased round the level with some boy with a spartan laser i jumped off the edge and hide in the barracks for the rest of that game.
  6. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really sexy map here Debo, I'm probably going to write a review of this map.
    I honestly think that this should be featured if it plays well.
    Debo37 likes this.
  7. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    fair enough i will download and have a look myself.
  8. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    i didnt think anyone would be able to make a totally new map out of blackout, let alone one of this caliber and ingenuity. 5/5
  9. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    yes very nice map i think it could be featured
  10. niceone

    niceone Ancient
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    lol its amazing it even has death barriers if you fall down (hopes that bungie gives an 100% empty map that let you make this type of maps)
  11. mastercon46

    mastercon46 Ancient
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    Wow this looks really cool,even though i've seen a lot of "floating maps" this one is probably the best. Also seeing the Beam rifle instead of a sniper rifle is a welcome change. Great work
  12. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Nice map! Solid construction, but i was wondering, i oyu jump off of it can oyu land in the blank blackout below?
  13. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    yes that would be awsome but since they dont have it now they have the pit in avalance where people have made maps. ive even seen a lockout remake in the pit as well as monsters coming from the pit that if you get swallowed you (hit the death barrier) and die
  14. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Its a great map. 5/5 Looks very good!
  15. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    nice idea, and concept, ill like it ill dl and check out
  16. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I must say the opening screenshot is pretty epic. I like the infection variant as well. I will dl both and get back to you.
  17. Orbitron

    Orbitron Ancient
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    Holy ****. You made this on BLACKOUT. Thats what I love about it!
  18. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    you finally released it! yaay! im sorry i missed the final playtest, i really wanted to see the final version, but all the other playtests were very fun and well worth it. this map probably took forever with all that save and quit interlocking, and the layout is just amazing in my opinion, the whole map played very well regardless of the spawn issues on the BETA version which i believe you fixed. i see you moved the Splzer as well. everything is very nice indeed. this is THE best Blackout map out there by far now.
  19. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    That is epic. I haven't yet played it, but you deserve commendation for having the will and balls to build something so huge above Blackout. I hope to god this plays well, because this is something that cannot be ignored.
  20. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    you have a really great description and your map is well thought out in my personal opinion you did great. 5/5 Good Job!

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