
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Doomlord, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Doomlord

    Doomlord Ancient
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    Message to all who downloaded soon after posting- There was a flaw with the original version of the map. One of the bridges making up the center platform was accidentally set to not spawn at start. Please re-download, or just go into forge and set that one bridge to spawn at start. Also, the overshields are down there for aesthetic purposes, not to be used. Thank You.


    This is my first map to be posted here, or anywhere else for that matter. I hope you all like it.

    Brief Description of Map Layout
    This map consists of two main parts, a U shaped platform that circles the inner area, and a large central platform. Both platforms are surrounded by a lower level with many items for cover.

    Description- This abandoned factory was converted to an incineration plant soon after the banning of landfill waste disposal. Since then, it has served as the primary waste disposal factory for the entire Eastern Seaboard of North America.

    The Factory Layout is the same as all other incineration factories commissioned by the United States Government prior to the formation of the World Government. The incinerator lies in the center of the factory floor. The supervisors stand watch from the exterior platform and direct the incoming crates and barrels of waste to their proper destination. Crates of waste are loaded onto pallets, then lifted by forklift into the incinerator via the northern loading dock. The plant manager, watching over the entire operation from the third story tower to the south of the incinerator, gives the command to open the incinerator doors and allow the waste to be dropped in.

    Warning- Working around the incinerator could result in exposure to harmful chemicals formerly trapped in the sealed crates. Side effects of exposure include, but are not limited to, the following- Homicidal urges, desire to steal anything resembling a piece of cloth attached to a pole, the need to bomb the factory, and the impulsive urge to remain near the incinerator while killing all those who attempt to stay near it as well. In the event of any worker showing these side effects, weapons have been placed around the factory for self defense purposes.

    Gametypes supported- 1-flag, 2-flag, 1-bomb, assault, neutral assault, KOTH (only 1 hill), slayer/team slayer.

    Weapons used
    2 ARs
    7 BRs
    1 Shotgun
    2 Snipers (one symmetrical, one asymmetrical, so only one on the map at a time)
    2 SMGs
    2 Plasma Rifles
    4 Magnums
    2 Needlers
    1 Brute shot
    1 Rocket launcher
    6 Carbines
    4 Frag grenades
    4 Plasma grenades
    2 Spike grenades
    1 Bubble shield, power drainer, and regenerator.


    Wide view of the map.

    Small sniper tower (In the center of the "U" platform.)

    The area opposite the Sniper tower (Loading Bay)

    The central platform/incinerator (I couldn't do anything about the lighting, unfortunately)

    Spawns were tested with a small party. They should work fine with a larger party, but please let me know if you encounter any problems with them. Thanks.
    #1 Doomlord, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    hey doesnt look to bad. the middle structure stood out the most. neat interlocking, good job

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks very well made. I love the middle part
    There is one big problem though, you need to flip those double boxes upside-down so it is smoother for walking
    Other than that its nice
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Agreed, other wise, it looks like kind of a flat map, not really much to it, looks good, just mid=ssing something
  5. mastercon46

    mastercon46 Ancient
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    Wow looks pretty cool, i like the interlocking but its a bit dull, maybe you should add a turret or something to spice things up a bit
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    wow, a first map that includes interlocking and geo-merging!!
    And as far as maps go, it actually looks really well set out. Great construction very neat and tidy. A dl from me. I'll report back later.
    What I'd like to know is you weapon information, such as the respawn times and spare clips but I'll find out when I have a thorough forgethrough.
    Great Map, + Rep for you.
  7. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    Nice! Looks like a water treatment plant!
  8. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    wow it seems as if it is silo or as someone else said a water treatement plant good job
  9. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    really nice for ur first map! nice interlocking to 4/5 ill dl
  10. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    this is great for a first map! its got interlocking and geo-merging, and a cool center piece! great first post!
  11. Orbitron

    Orbitron Ancient
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    LOVE the look. I just LOVE it. Ima download it for sure ;)
  12. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    you have some good interlocking and i love that center platform. but in a way it looks a little open but i still give it a 4/5.
  13. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    This would be a blast to play on in KOTH or Terretories! Good Job dude!
  14. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    This looks great for your first posted map! You actually interlocked and geo-merged as well. The center-piece looks good, but it seems like if you went in there, everyone would just nade-spam your ass off. I was just wondering if it was meant to be like that, so it was harder to get the RL in the middle. The outside looks a little plain and could use some touching up(people love upside-down boxes). And can you get stuck on the floor behind the sniper tower? It looks like if you fell off the outer boxes down onto the floor, that you have two single boxes blocking you from getting out unless you nade-jump. More pics would be helpful. I think your map would REALLY sell if you made a domed ceiling around the center piece but leave some parts open for doorways. You could maybe have some floating platforms or platforms interlocked with the dome so players could jump around up there. That would be a great feature, imo. Surprisingly well-done first post dude. You should be proud of that.
  15. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    I really like that idea with a domed roof, nice thinking that would be a cool center of control for territories or it can be where everyone in a slayer match is trying to go because of the weapons inside there, good idea!
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Very impressive, especially for a first post.

    I like the middle, but I wish it were all geo-merged so it was accessible with one jump. When making a map, I always look at what's best about it, and try to make it better. Know what I mean? That's just how I see the middle structure. I would've said, "Wow, I really like how this turned out. Everyone's gonna love this part, I wonder just how awesome I can make it."

    Great for a first map, 4/5.
  17. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    nice map i like the fussed pintagon
  18. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    this looks like a great map and the interlocking is great, but its kind of open.
  19. Doomlord

    Doomlord Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments!

    The reason I didn't use upside down double boxes is that I wanted to make them face the same direction. I originally thought of using the upside down, but that would make it impossible to get throught the many open single boxes without jumping over a ledge.

    As for the weapons, most are standard spawn times and clips. The sniper has only one spare clip and spawns a little slower, due to the openness of the map.

    The rockets and shotgun spawn every 60 seconds.

    Other than that, most weapons are at default settings.

    Also, this map is designed to be open. There is some cover on the ground level, and a few barriers and doors on the U shaped platform. While in the center, you are meant to be exposed to the entire upper walkway, as well as part of the innermost ground level. That's why the rockets are there.

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