TrI YES this time the map is tested Download Map Description: This map took about a week to make because of the interlocking really. It works on all gametypes as long as there not on teams. Really I tested this map on slayer and it was pretty fun so you can use it on oddball but i'd still recomend slayer. This map is fun with 2-4 people but is just insane with 4-10. This map is MLG so you can use it with the MLG FFA. For a tip I would suggest controling the top of the map and jummp down on people with the mauler. There is no way (that I found) to get out of this map so go ahed and try it probably wont work so yea just have fun on this map. If there is anything I need to fix plz again tell me and rate, comment, and do the same on bungie. enjoy the pics are next A guy gettin blown up by the fusion coils another guy gettin blown up by fusion coils Triple kill OVERKILL I hope you like this map. Here are the weapon spawnsWeapons Spawn Clip BR's 30 2 Carbines 30 2 Mauler 90 1 Equipment Spawn Bubble Sheild 180 Flare never Hope you enjoy this map and please find some time to look at my others especially pentagon if you like this map By: xUNSCxHeadShot Heres the link again Link DO NOT USE WITH 7 OR MORE PEOPLE You may get the wrong impression
nice interlocking brings this map a un foundry like feel to it. i like how much cover it gives not much but enough to survive.4/5
I love how the floor is diagonal, i know there are much more interesting things about this map than that it's diagonal, but it just looks so cool!
Was this actually designed for MLG or does it just work with it, because it dont believe that MLG use fusion coils. ANyway, looks very nice. Not the best looking map, but far from the worst. Some of the construction looks a bit tacky but I just splitting hairs. It does look like a solid map that'll provide some good games, you have received a dl.
Some interlocking does look rushed, and a week for a map does seem like the bare minimum time you should take on a map. I would test it a bit more and try some new things on it, look at how the gameplay flows and work with it. Also, Im pretty sure MLG doesnt use bubble shields/flares
Looks well-made but still kind of simple. By that I mean there's not any buildings with an interior or tunnels or something like that. But that doesn't mean it's bad at all, this looks like it would be a fun slayer map for a while, I'll have to check the respawns since it seems to me like all the fighting takes place on the floor, but yet I haven't played it. I may give this a run-through and see how it works out.
believe it or not I spent a week (adding up all the times) and I didn't rush this map at all seriously I can see what you meen but the reason some of the locks are messed up is becasue its just kinda hard depenfding on what your talking about
no most of the fighting takes place on the top and middle level but if theres a battle and someone dies they usuly go back to the same place so those were all taken with in 1 minute
so get me if im wrong here, but does this map consist of a ledge circling a tower? im not too sure. thats just the impression of what im getting from the screenies. not that its bad, i was just wondering
I like the idea, but I think you should re-design the weapons, because it's not really a map I can imagine playing on MLG settings. Good idea and interlocking. 4/5.
no is a square map seriously guys just try it out eeverybody dont judge maps because of the screenshots most people should know this by now the screenshots might make it look sloppy seriously look at this map from a person playing slayers perspective
pretty good but you need to push those bridges up going into middle so you dont pop up all you need to do is smootht he map out.