sry i was in a hurry and spelled the name wrong :[well this is a map me and my friend made without any interlocking or other tricks. There is two bases that are more like starting places (because there is no need to go back there), the rest of the map is like small buildings with bridges leading to othersmall buildings or towers, there is no boundry walls (we just basicly used the whole foundry) besides the ones keeping you out of the back, the gameplay is kinda fast pased because of how open the layout is but a big tower in the middle also limits your view making it good for mid to long ranged combat, the wepon layout is all guns witch shoot lasers like spartin lasers, beam rifles, and carbines. the only difference between the game type and the normal slayer is that you start with plasma pistols download gametype here download map here red "base" the first "building" in front of blue base the huge middle tower the back corner "building" the blue "base" 50% credit is given to sgt revo
i agree with zTo SoXFan25, it does look a little to open but with the right gametype it would be a verry good map.4/5
I disagree with this comment. It looks very compact and close-quartered. Please, SoXFaN, study the pictures closer before coming to your conclusion
Thee kinda open but the scenerey is nice you couldve interlocked if didnt czu i dont see any of that. Looks aright to play 3.5/5
ehhh... i agre, the map is a bit open. also, i don't see interlocking. although it's not necessary to do so, the standards of maps today really do encourage it. 3/5