Ok Fox is promoting the new teminator tv show, and is giving away 200 free microsoft points. http://www.fox.com/terminator/ go there. Theres a red box, just put any email you use, and your gamertag, after that check your mail, you will get a pre paid code, and go over to xbox.com or on your xbox to redeem the code. I did it, and it works my microsoft point balance whent from 370 to 570. and i got this message after i reedemed them You have redeemed your prepaid code for the following: Xbox Live 200 Microsoft Points bundle Hurry and grab it, its a free $2.50. Now people will only have to complain about the next halo 3 map pack being $7.50 if they saved them. ^_^
Well crap, they replaced it with an american idol ad, them whores. http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/01/13/fox-is-giving-away-200-ms-point-codes-for-free/ http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16542985&postRepeater1-p=1 (proof it happend)
this fuels my hate for American Idol even more now. I need free MS point and that American Idol just went and screwed that up for me. I want that Rayon Seacrest to burn now!
some people got away with like 4000 microsoft points...they just used a whole bunch of e-mail addresses =(