Do you find that having two criss crossing man cannons are more powerful then one? I'd be interested to find out, they look sick by the way. Nice map, I like the pallets that can fall down.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback. And Scalpel I'm not sure about the mancannons, but I believe there is a thread in forge discussion about how to make mancannons more powerful if you're interested.
i can't really get a good feel of the layout from the pics, but the pics look really good, some parts are a wee bit sloppy but mostly good interlocking and geomerging. i will DL and try it out. any suggested gametypes and party sizes?
Thanks for the good reviews all. As for recommended party sizes and gametypes Evan, you'll have the most fun with 3 on 3 for objective gametypes, it seems to be the best fit. As for FFA matches like Slayer and KOTH, I would say it's the most fun with a party of around 8 players. Even though I suck at KOTH, it's definitely my favorite gametype for this map. Some other good ones are Assault and TS. Don't count out the other gametypes though, they're really fun too, it's just the ones I mentioned are often overflowing with epicness. Hope ya have some good games, and thanks for taking a look.
Isn't Hammer-smashed face a song? cannibal corpse (I never cared for them much, even though i like metal) either way nice map.
Indeed it is. It's a nice surprise to see someone knew that lol. Off-topic: Yeah Cannibal Corpse isn't my favorite either (they're good if you're really pissed off or wanna get pumped), it's just I had recently listened to the song and I was feeling eccentric while captioning.
pardon the off-topicness but I believe there's this flamboyant lounge singer that covered that song (lounge style, but using cannibal corpse lyrics). its on youtube, pretty funny imo. search "cannibal corpse lounge music" on youtube. should be the first one. *just searched it, the song covered is actually "rancid amputation"* to prevent this post from being entirely off topic I will say that you have a nice map there.
Carcass = One of the earliest and greatest metal bands EVER. Check them out, now. (They're getting back together! Yessss!!) I've decided to name my maps after metal bands, since they have already taken the best names lol. I may throw a few album or song names in there too. Lol yes, I have seen that and it's hilarious. Check out George Fisher (Corpsegrinder) on World of Warcraft on Youtube. LMFAO. Thanks for the review
very nice. I love how u used the mancannons and the boxes on their sides. Looks pretty sweet ill have to try it out.