Corish Created by ZANDER1994 and tinman5364 This is a symetrical map set up for all gametypes. There are two bases in the corners of the map. Off to the side of them are sniper towers. In the middle of the map is a short bridge area that can be utilized for cover. Above that is a platform made of fence walls holding the sword. There are lots of cover points and trick jumps on this map too, and whoever uses them the best, will dominate the field. This is tinman's first forged map, ever. He's my brother and decided to join forge hub a few days ago after seeing all the cool maps we have here. So give him a wave, he deserves it. Download it here- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Weapons List 4 Battle Rifles 4 Frag Grenades 2 Carbines 2 Snipers 6 Plasma Grenades 2 Maulers 2 SMGs 2 Bruteshots 2 Assault Rifles 2 Bubble Sheilds 2 Brute Spikers 1 Sword
Sorry, but no. This is meant to be a map like guardian or mlg onslaught. tinman actually wanted to put one in at one point but we decided not to.
Cool idea with the central platform made of fence walls. Should give anyone up there some hot feet >.<
Hi Benny! *waves* I saw you yesterday in the first replies of my map squirrel yard. Just because I'm a nice person, I'm going to give you good rep.
MLG CTF and Swat are my favorites, but all the game types work. The only one that I would not like is lone wolves because of the map being set up for two teams with the bases and all. But, I guess anything would work.
... No, I didn't. This was from the Unlimited Budget canvas... I see that those fence walls are not interlocked... the platform is also square in that picture, the one in this map is rectangular. Also, I don't even think it would be possible, or practical to steal from that map and create this because then I wouldn't have unlimited budget.
WTF? This is not on Bungie Favs. Me and my brother just made this. I have videos of us making still in my recent games. I'm happy you think it's that good though.
I like it, but could you explain why you made those barrels immovable. Seems like a waste of weapon holders, but you probably had some reason.
my only problem with this map is you made the barriers so that they could be moved by nades and rockets. that would be a problem in games. a suggestion is that you use the ones you had on the barrels and use some thing else like doors for cover on the main bridge.
Actually, there are no rockets on this map, and grenades cannot move a barrier by themselves. I took that into consideration multiple times and finally realized that barriers are just very tough. If you remember the good old days when foundry wasn't around, you probably remember all the maps that were blocked off with barriers because they were almost immovable. I made the barrels immovable because there is basically no point on the bridge with cover on both sides. I also wanted people to hide behind them because people who grab the sword can destroy the pallets on the main platform and drop down on top them.