Its called an M rated game for a reason... WE DONT WANT YOUR F***ING LITTLE VOICES INFECTING OUR GOOD GAME! To ALL Prepubescents playing this game... GET THE F*** OUT!
I mute the little .... Anyways, I just played 5 games of team doubles. 1 game we won the other 4 there were hacks involved. Server lag advantages and stuff like that. Then I go to big team battle cuz I was tired of the hacks. We lost 100-60 on Valhalla. Two guys on our team were betrayers and left right away, another guy MeleeMOM (I know lol) went 0-26. I won MVP for the whole thing cuz I got an overkill on a banshee that looked like it was gonna blow up lol (did later, did like 5 banshee battles be4 they could). Other than that, everyone who plays nonranked sucks, and everyone who plays small sided ranked uses hacks. It sucked! My partner in team doubles was having same troubles all week, I've just got back for two days. Man, Halo just sucks now. Everyone add each other to FL and hope for best in customs...
two kids at my orthodontist today, like seriously 7 year olds, were talking about assassin's creed and how awesome it is. they knew all the characters and everything and i was like WTF YOU'RE LIKE 5 YEARS OLD. what is this world coming to. children all over our M games.
Funny thing is that they are the ones who become Al Queda terrorists. They like killing things at 7! 7!!!
Lol! Dude you totally sound like a movie trailer guy. You should have made the I am Legend commercial...
I got this all laid out Plan A: Play matchmaking and try to ignore the shrills of 10 year olds Plan B: If that fails, play Social Slayer, because little kids would only play ranked because they want to get level 50's Plan C: If that fails, play custom games Plan D: If the little kids make too many Infection maps, try to stay away from all custom games with one of them in it Plan E: If your in a game, and a little kid shrieks, "GIVE ME PARTY LEADER!"...Shoot Yourself, It's not gonna get any better
hey, I have been playing M rated games meh whole life. I'm 15, almost 16. so let them play, just not on Xbox live. My little bro has halo 3, just no live. So i guess what I am saying is, parents, no life for people under 15. they ruin games They ruined GuildWars, They Runied morrowind with bad mods, They ruined Gears of War with teh voices, They ruined halo 1 and 2, the list goes on. Don't let it happen to halo 3. If any game has anything that can be osted on the internet or has a conection to the internet should be kept away from them, and if they NEED to play something, let them play City of Heros or some lame !@#$ like that. you think 10 year olds are bad, now 3-5 year olds play halo 3. just imagine you say: get on the gun they say: I like mommy. You say: WTF They say: I pooped my pants. You die..... Teh mast3r
I just played another game. Had a 9 year old on my team who was a boy, and had everything set to pink... He got the flame thrower (there goes the world). I got killed by a guy with the sword and after he left, my teammate came up to my dead body and started to incinerate it. He ended up committing suicide. Then he got it again. Stayed in a doorway and just shot flames at it until it was empty. Turns around and !blam!. A guy was sitting there watching him the whole time. My teammate never even used the radar.
Well whats amazing to me is that right now CoD4 is much worse than halo when it comes to little kids. Just last night I met a group of three racist, British, 9-year olds (whats the opposite of a trifecta called?) Halo right now isn't that bad assuming you have a high enough exp.
I know i was playing CoD 4 I went into match making go into a party were no one was older then 13. The best part was that they didn't know how to play domatium (it's like terrors) all they did was run around killing not even trying to get the points.
I got a better plan: Plan A: play custom games only on Halo 3 and hope hat no little kids come into the game Plan B: Boot/mute the little kids Plan C: Go play Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4, or any other amazing game Plan D: Go here onto forge hub and talk about my plans about what if little kids came onto halo 3.....oh wait a minute
Since I got my brandspankin new gamertag, I'm level 1 in everything and I'm a Recruit, I'm gonna whoop some little kids asses in Match Making, maybe make a few cry in Social, you never know. (I'm a 43 TS and 40 DT on my original file, a Colonel)
Whoawhoawhoa. Reject, you got a whole new XBL account? All your skillz, achievements, and everything is gone? Why didn't you just change the GT on your old one? Guys, come on. Christmas was last year. Let's just let this topic die okay? MM isn't all that worse as long as your skill is high enough.
Cause about 3498230938 billion people played on Insanedrone. Me, my brother, my step dad, and all of our friends who come over, played on it online, it makes me look terrible to what I really am. I want to show what I can do, my true skill, its all me. So I got me a new on, its all mine.
hey, its worse when you have good skillz. when you kill a n00bcake across Valhalla with a pistol in under 3 secs, they yell, they scream, and they spam. Its worse when you are on their team and someone does that, it causes you to loose.