Looks like somebody got killed a little too much. I never use them (except on shipment). I like getting exp. on shipment cuz it is so fast paced. Try playing HQ there. The games take 30 minutes!
HQ on shipment is so great lol, u get so many kills. In response to Jackass up there ^^ -- I rotate between either a M16 red-dot with 3 frag/stopping power/deep impact or sometimes a G3 with the same perks I have a class with a silenced MP5 with Bandolier/UAV Jammer/Steady Aim Sniper class with Overkill/Iron Lungs so i can carry an assault rifle with my snipe and thats pretty much it as far as if im playing serisou and not to get challenges. I do admit that i have a class called "JUGGERNOOB" with juggernaut/martyrdom and i use it just to piss people off in HQ.
Oh ****, so overkill is getting two guns? I like how at one point you used all the perks you said you hated :squirrel_giggle: JK
Yea overkill allows you to carry another weapon besides a pistol as your second gun. It replaces perk 2. And yea sometimes i do use the perks I hate. You have to fight fire with fire sometimes. I mean if i am in a match where every F'ing noob on the other team is running around with noob tubes, juggernoob, and martyrnoob turned on... i pretty much have to use that gay sht to fight back.
I still don't understand I why people think that some perks and weapon combos in games are noob just because they get kills. Juggernaut for example gives you extra health so why not use it? They get kills and thats good right....? What makes them so noobish if they work for your own benefit. You could say that about any perk. "O claymores are stupid because they always kill me...its so noobish!"
Because it takes no skill to run around with juggernaut and martyrdom and get kills. It takes skill to pop off head shots with a single-shot only assault rifle from across the map... but those headshots wont kill a juggernaut... certain perks take the skill out of the game and just make it goofy
O well if you look at it that way then yeah your right....I guess thats kinda what MLG did...Took away duel wieldable weapons gave everyone BR's....which you cant just spray and pray with.
Yea i mean im not an MLG guy and i agree with tygard its just a game, but the whole no skill thing is way more prominent in this game
If "n00bish" tactics irritate you so much, then play it completely hammered, it makes up for it ... lol
I don't like using overkill cuz you can't use perks like stopping power so the only time i use it is with stronger weapons like the m16 and sniper or shotgun
Titmar, you're ruining the fun. Actually I quit too when my baby was born ..... ..... but oh well, I still have a lot more fun in COD4 MP than Halo MM. Still can't pick between Halo 3 customs and Cod 4 though ..... :squirrel_rocking:
lol yea i agree, COD4 matchmake, then H3 for customs and forge... H3 mm has gotten so redundant... the only time i play it now is for a couple days when they update, just to see if i like the changes
I got COD4 also, and I didnt play halo 3 for a while because of it. After getting to level 31, I tryed halo again, and I think its such a better game. Halo 3 defenently is so much more quality, and has a great community.
Umm... Lol... ? You are right H3 is a better game... But H3's community is... yea... Forge Hub's community rocks... but H3's community is... its... well...
I have decided to pass on COD4 and instead I am going to get battlefield 2 bad company, it looks amazing I can't wait for it to come out I am more hyped for it then I was for halo 3.