VIP pelican down save the pilot{vip} zombie 1 flag assault NEEDS GAMETYPE EXTRACTION WATCH VIDEO Lately I have been getting a little bored with the greens and browns of foundry so I decided to build a map on vahalla using the crashed pelican. The main idea was to rescue the pilot{vip} and get him back to defenders base.As anyone who has tried knows getting the vip to spawn alone and in the same spot is not guaranteed{thanks to the people who answered the post} but the way round it is to start the vip team in a exsplosion that only the vip{due his overshiled}can survive.The vip cant walk at full speed so needs to be collected in a vechile but the pelican has drooped some useful stuff. DEFENDERS BASE the d base is at the back of the map it has two turrets 1 in the base and 1 by the waterfall there is a sniper rifle in front of the base on the rock.The front doors are barracaded but not immovable.At the back there is a teleporter which leads to the sinper platform overlooking the crash site and a grav lift that leads to the laser there is 1 hog and 1 goose use them wisely ATTACKERS BASE the attackers have melee weapons brute shatos all grenades dep covers{which can stop vechiles} mines{which can exsplode on impact if dropped from high enough} and a beam rifle they also have a sniper platform linked to the horizontal tele at the back of the base.While i was making my target range map i found that teleporters can used like man cannons so i set these up at the attackers base so that they drop into the defenders side of the map to access them use the tele in the att base then look down using the left stick you can easily pick which tele you want to fall into they are arranged so that the further up the map you want to go you should use the 'top' tele see pic THIS NEEDS THE GAMETYPE EXTRACTION AND HERES THE MAP PELICAN DOWN this is also set up for zombie the humans start at the pelican and have to get to the base1 flag and bomb are also set up using the pelican as the flag bomb spawn I am working on another map using the vip team kill system heres a clue "no one has ever done anything like this before...thats why its going to work" defenders side crash site vip/human spawn/flag and bomb spawn defenders sniper platform attackers base/zombie spawn defenders base{mgturret near waterfall} tele cannon tele cannon exit 2 of 4 ENJOY and as always......... EDIT-i like to set the zombies for faster speed and less gravity
i enjoyed how the pelican looked as if it did really crash just moments ago... u used all that equipment next to it like it spilled out... Good job!
The tele cannon looks interesting, but the crashed pelican looks extremely nice. Very good work, it looks like it actually crashed.
*clap* *clap* good job!!! a map not on foundry that looks half decent (also i like how the items look like the pelican actually was carrying them when it crashed) 3.9/5
I'm sorry if this sounds like I don't like the map, but telecannons do not work if you have more than about five players. Even if no one has a laggy connection in your game, only the host will be able to do it once there are too many people. I've done lots of teleuds, so I know what I'm talking about. I actually tried making a map with telecannons like this, and after working on it for eight hours, i almost tore my hair out when it didn't work with my friends.
sweet, i'll have to experience the gameplay before i give an official ruling but so far it looks like a pretty original and innovative idea, great job!
there arent many items on valhalla the areas that look chaotic are meant to look like that the crash site and in front of the def base to make it harder.figuring out where to place the tele cannons so that they keep people in the fight what items to put what where making the def sniper platform stable yet destrucable and making sure the vip spawns alone every time in the same spot I welcome feedback but sloppy and thrown together in 2 hours,ITHINK NOT by the way i have never seen any way of making the vip spawn alone before didnt know that generally play 3v3 4v4 thats why theres 4 exits if you want to work on one my gt is also ezekeil20five17
Looks good for a map on Valhalla. It is difficult to make a great map on Valhalla, but it seems you done it. The pelican looks awesome, although there does seem to be a few too many items scattered around. 4/5