This Custom built Indoor soccer (football for all you across the pond) field (or pitch) features an automatic ball retrieval system when someone scores, as well as a spare ball and teleporters for accidental falls outside of the map. while support is up to 6 v 6, i recommend 3 v 3. this map requires pairing with the game Variant Kickin It (see below) which is a mulit flag game type. when a ball is hit into a goal, play should be pause, and then the scoring team need only to touch the opposing teams flag to count a point. score 5 to win. 75% gravity is enabled as well as Infinite ammo Invulnerability and no friendly fire Map Variant: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Variant: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i considered molding the floor into one, but there is no reason other then looks, the those green boxes are flipped they are completely flat, so it does not effect walking or the rolling of the soccer ball
nice good return system i think that it is cool how u used the fence boxes or whatever in the middle of the floor, it looks cool 4/5
asthetics but this should be posted in mini-games not in competitive maps to move it just message a MOD
Soccer completely requires the honor rule, so I don't ever play it, but nonetheless this is a pretty good map and I like your ball return system with the man cannons. You probably should have merged the boxes on the floor to make it look better. If you don't know how to merge, feel free to visit forging 101 or PM me and I will send you a tutorial on how to do it. 4/5 EDIT: It should be put into the casual or mini game maps section, so if any moderator visits this, you probably should.
Nice Soccer ball map. The ball retreival system is cool and I haven't seen Soccer course like this. 3.5/5
Might I rant for a spell? /rant Why do we Americans insist on calling football soccer? It makes no sense and makes us seem unnecessarily stubborn. Why can't we just be international? /end rant But cool field in all seriousnessness. My only concern is that some players (i.e. "douchebagheads") will inevitably cheat out of spite and simply capture the flag time and time again. One interesting way to counter this could be through the use of teleporters. Put the flag behind teleporter sender nodes and have the receiver node in the goal. That way when the ball is in the goal, it blocks the teleporters and players can reach the flag.
Looks like a good map! It looks pretty well designed, though the only thing that I could see doing different would be to interlock those boxes so it looked like one neat floor instead of looking a little choppy.
looks pretty fun, but to truly explain ur map i would suggest making ur pictures sequential (1. ball in center, 2. ball hit, 3. ball goes in goal, 4. ball heads through a tunnel etc etc) and add ur other pics after that. Also try a pic with spawn points and u should put the scoring point on a shelf or something near the center edge (maybe opposite of where the ball comes out) so u wouldnt have to run across everytime. 1 question, if u get enough good responses are u gonna put the time into a v 2?