Vicini is an MLG styled map with several jumps that can be accomplished to take the enemy by suprise and also areas of control that are needed to win the game. Map Download Download the MLG game types: The map is completely symmetrical, and is impossible to get out of (if you do-tell me so I can fix it) I would reccomend playing anywhere from 4-10 players. After that it gets a bit crowded. It is compatible with all MLG game types-CTF, Oddball, Team Slayer, and KotH. Weapons/Grenades List (respawn time, spare clips): x3 battle rifles (10, 2) x1 Sniper rifle (120, 2) x2 plasma pistol (120) x1 mauler (120, 1) x1 Custom Power-Up (180) x4 Carbines (90, 4) x6 plasmas (30) Screen Shots (all descriptions above image) This a side view of one of the bases, the base opposite is identical. Players spawn here at start. This is a side base which is equidistant from each base. The sniper lays on the barrier to the right Another view from the corner This is the front side of one of the side bases. The dumpsters stacked in a triangular shape create a weak spot. The player can jump on top of the dumpster on ground level, jump onto the ledge left open on the double box (I would suggest jumping closest to the floating dumpster as possible, or you may fall), and then jump up onto the platform. The tall pillars on either side have a small ledge to allow the player to walk along and get a better view of the bases. A view from atop the side base, which is the main focal point of the map, and is vital to winning the game. A view of the stairs leading up to the base. The gap in between the stairs holds a plasma pistol, both on the left side when facing the bases. This area is to provide cover on the non-sniper mini bases, both sides have the barriers standing up right. Map Download
Well, it depends on if you played it on MLG settings, as it is made for MLG. This mainly due to because of the BR starts and faster speeds, as well as the custom power up. I will edit my original post and put a link to the fileshare for MLG game types.
No, MLG doesn't play any infection at all, and it really doesn't have any great camp spots for the humans to hide. Thanks.
This may possibly be your best work. Finally you have put forth the effort and time to make something great! I love the layout and look, my only complaint is that the two bottom dumpsters are fine but the third above them should have been replaced with another type of standing platform.
Looks pretty neat. DL'd and I'll come back with further comments. Wait, scratch that. Your link is broken, bud. Can't DL because apparently you've taken it off your FS.