I am not sure exactly how many of you know what I'm talking about. On some maps there are odd places that allow you to see another player's screen. There is one on sandtrap hidden in a little used corner. The little "screen" that lets you look on other ppl's screens is only 2 inches tall and 5 ft wide approx. I have recently found a much larger one on avalanche at the very top of the forerunner structure at the back of the map(I got up that far by save and quitting a teleporter above the invisible barrier). Here is a pic taken just above the "screen" looking down the forerunner structure. I tried to take a pic of the screen itself but everything just turned blue. So far the screen cheat works only when u are playing with some1 locally(havent ttested if it works with system link). When you are online it kind of displays this wierd multicolored thing out of the nineteen seventies. Here is a link to a map I am currently making that uses this anamoly as a focal point(the map itself is less than half done).http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39742844 I discovered this while messing around on a map that glitched into various places on Avalanche. Unfortunately I wasnt able to find the thread for that map again when I searched for it on Bnet. I would like to ask all of you if you know any more than me about this phenomenon(and if it can possibly work online).
I can't say that I have ever been able to 'screen peek' anyone over Xbox Live... and I don't see how that can be possible. Then again I don't play much BTB in MM so I've barely played Sandtrap at all. I don't think I've ever noticed this.
like I said the Sandtrap one is really small and Ive never seen it work online. BTW would this fit better in forge discussion?
No, it is a Halo related topic and it doesn't really have anything to do with a sort of forge technique.