While I was sitting here watching TV an idea popped in to my mind for the VIP game type escort. You know how people have made the Mercenary's vs spy's game type well expanding on that thought I bring you extraction. Extraction evolves one sided VIP escort with one goto point high and out of the way. The team with the VIP would be like the Mercenary's and the team trying to assassinate the VIP would be like the Spy's. There are four rounds both sides protecting there VIP twice, and lasting Four minute with a structure appearing at the three minute mark leading to the goto point for the VIP team to extract there VIP. scoring go like this one point for killing the VIP, one point for extracting the VIP, and round ends on VIP death. this idea would work on any level I believe and need some help working on it. So if anyone would like to help I'm on the FH2 friends list GT: Iron Tusk 1. Thank you for your time.
Good idea. I suggest making everyone have a limited number of lives, or different kind of starting weapons or a specific set of weapons that spawn near each base, to make it more strategic, since trading lives senselessly is just stupid.
At this moment I'm forging two map for this idea if anyone would to help send a message to Iron Tusk 1 on XBL
I'd like to help, sounds cool. I'll send you a message on Live. Send me an invite when your working on this.