Might I recall my claim of favoritism for Nameless FPS Grunt #3? Link is a winner in every sense of the word.
abiter ftw... i hate bungie for making building him up so much in h2.. then jus shittin on him in h3.
BAD ASS- the guy from god of war most played- mario best fps- james bond strongest- HULK no questions asked best with a sword- IKE from SSBB and all around just plain great- Ms. packman
Either: Ridley He's a dragon... FROM SPACE!!! Plus, he's been in a lot of Metroid games, in spite of the fact that he has died 6 times. or: Meta Knight The fact that he looks/is awesome, even though he's a midget with no body. That increases the awesome factor.
Maybe we should have a rating system like this Best RPG: Best FPS: Best Action: Best TPS (third person shooter): Best Music (more of a joke than anything): Best Classic Character: Overall Best (doesn't have to be an above character): So here goes mine Best RPG: Saren, Made that character excellent for what he was supposed to be. Best FPS: Sergeant Major Johnson, He would go to Hell and back he is pure awesome. Best Action: Darth Vader's Apprentice He is such a badass even though it isn't released... Best TPS: Rios, also a badass... Best Music: Clive Winston, I always played on him for Guitar Hero! Best Classic: Glover, I loved that game, where have you gone to Glover!? Overall Best: I'm into going to be released characters so my favorite is Baldur (I think) from Too Human, looks like he's got a great mix of everything.
argghhh thats too hard to think so early in morning. mines Ash Ketchum from Pokemon. he was a terrible pokemon trainer. Richie was so much better.
Haha, I had just had coffee at that point, so I might seem a bit more excited than normal. So that would explain the overly long list.
You can has -rep for spamming! And a report to go along with it. Please do not spam the boards. Thank you. ~Randle $candal P.S. sorry for writing this, but he should know.
Or Croc - The legend of the Gobbos. And for those of you who shamefully dont know what a gobbo is - Go back an re live your life, and secondly its the tiny fluffy orange thing of delight. Favourite Phrases From Croc are - Yeazoo, Shapoow, Wahey and of course Ksplatt. You know its the truth so watch the video and tell me it isn't the best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ggTEGfNdOc&feature=related
Croc was my fav. playstation game, and Ksplatt is the best phrase ever. But my favourite game character is Sam "Serious" Stone
Uh...is it alright if I use a player from MLB 06 The Show? Because if it is, then I choose Ryan Howard
This fellow! ▼ (+rep to the first person to say what his name is and what awesomely impossible game he is in without spamming.) Seriously though, probably Spyro... Those games were awesome untill they started adding stupid crap to it.
GoodWhaleSushi, an awesome spartan with change-able armour and win included! Otherwise, I'd have to say DJ Professor K from JetSetRadioFuture. He was EPIC! PS: Delete my previous post, my ****ed up computer isn't letting me edit or delete anything...
I've always been partial to Yoshi and Captain Olimar (from Pikmin, Nintendo's sleeper hit). I also love the concept of the Gman from Half-Life, since he reminds me of my RPG character Alpha. However, Master Chief is pretty cool and everybody loves Gordon Freeman...
I'm gonna guess Return to Castle Wolfenstien. No idea on the name though. Meh, good enough. It's the Super soldier... +rep'd
A lot to choose from... *Thinks for a second* *Hmm....Falco, Sub-zero, Chief, SJ, Tommy Vercetti, Duke Nukem, The dude from DOOM (The most metal game ever), Link....LINK* Yep, definitely Link. The most epic folk-metal character ever.