Hello fellow members here at forgehub, this is my 2nd post, well my first map post so please take it easy. I decided to make a map pack called the rofl pack, and it consists of 3 maps. I decided to put one of them on here, which is my favourite one called "Rofl Wall" If i had to rename it i would call it "The Divide". Here is some info about the map, as you may want to know. It consists of two sides. They are both the same, but for the active camo and overshields, which i wanted to be different for the benefits of the level. Anyways, each side is seperated by a wall. There is only two ways to the other side. One is the path that you can walk through at the bottom, but beware theres two rooms that have weapons to make sure you dont walk through. The other way is by jumping up all the fence walls on your side, dont be afraid though there is only 5 or 6 and its hard to not make the jump. On top of the wall, if you go there, you will notice that there is a fuel rod gun on top of a weapon holder, located directly in the middle of the wall. On the sides there are shotguns (1 on each side) and a bubble shield on one side. If you decide to go through the bottom pathways to the other side, there is a room on each side of the wall, that is fairly small, but there is a needler, firebomb gernade and a trip mine located inside of it. These are located in there for two reasons: don't let anyone pass and to destroy the vehicles trying to pass through. Another thing you will notice in this level is when you spawn, you may see 3 portals. Two of the three are good portals, and they lead you to either the sniping tower, which can help your team alot, or just make you die. It can also lead you to the mongoose area where there is 2 mongooses in a fence box, with one way out, and it is fairly simple to get out of. The last portal leads you to outside of the map, forcing you to do suicide or you cant play at all. There is a good lesson involved with that, which is to make you learn not to go through that portal... Another feature of this map is the vehicle buildings, that hold a warthog (machine gun not gauss) and a ghost. There is one of these at each side. Inside of this small building, there is also a bridge to take you to the top of the building, although it is only one wall high, it is protected slightly by some barriers. As a last resort you can also get the plasma cannon to give your team some heavy fire while they are dieing. The powerups in this level help tremendously, whether it heals your hp, gives you shields, makes you invisible, or blinds your oppenent (which is my personal favourite ) The regenerators are found where the small room is with the trip mine, and firebomb grenade. It is on top, which you may grenade jump to or jump off the sniping tower to get to. The overshield and active camo are on opposite sides of the level, and give you advantages according to which side you are on. You can acess both them, the same way. The flare is located in the middle of the map, which can blind your opponent and you, causing them to run away, or even save your life if you have no shields. The last cool thing about this map is the sniping towers, which are accessed by the portals of course. There is one on each side, which is surrounded with 6 fusion coils with a 90 second respawn. The two snipers on each tower spawn on the pallet. There is a chance that you will find how to take no damage from the fusion coils, and stay sniping at the same time. The tower can also help you to jump to the other side, or almost all the way up the fence wall bridge over the wall. Here are some screenshots, during forge mode. First we have an overview of the left side (both are the same) Next, we have a sniping tower. The warthog and ghost storage. Here is a picture of the wall, from one side. And of course, the powerup house/shack. Here are some screenshots of our testing session earlier, in the day. Heres what happens after someone power drained my level >.< Someone using the turret, while being flared. I shoot you with a needler and you stick me... Who will win? The elite or the ghost. Hmmmm i was stuck and the guy jumped over me. That was a bad idea whoever jumped over me. Fuel rod gun ftw? Definatley ftw. I hope you enjoyed the screenshots, and here is the download link please give positive feedback if possible ^_^ and what to improve on. Download link - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Now all you have done is made thumbnails bigger and given us grainy pictures. Just post the link to the actual pictures
I cant see your pictures clearly they are so small what you can do is you can make an account for photobucket and save your pictures from bungie.net to your desktop or whereever on your computer and upload them onto/into photobucket.com and after uploading them you can get the code the right code is the IMG code. GOOD LUCK!
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ok it is a cool map it could do well was there any interlocking cause my new map is really only interlocking
Lol, Soggy had to come in and set this threead straight. Anyway, this map looks good. You have a nice layout, I just think you might need more structures instead of a sniping tower and storage room, and a sniper tower filled with explosives.
Creative name... rofl >.< It's quite a basic map which I don't think has taken too long, apart from the fact you have that wall 100% straight which must have taken a while. I don't think the basic-ness will make it bad, because it does have lots of layers with a fuel rod at the top. Improvements: Sniper tower has far too many fusion coils, even though i see why you would want it to be hard for sniping on such an open map, i would onloy have 1 or 2 Possibly afew more structural parts, at the moment it really is too much of a wall with little walls scattered around, id'e add some sort of building within the wall. Next time use interlocking, it really pays off 7/10 it's good but could be better
Yes, there is interlocking, and there is also forging with map geometry in my map, thankyou all for your comments, i appreciate it.
Not really, if you want then it will go better, as it is for team slayer which you should play with 3vs3 or more. While we were testing it, we played 3 vs 3 and it played very good, and if you play it with more it may be a bit crowded but it will make the game be a faster pace which is what i wanted it to be.
the sniping tower looks really good, but i question some other parts of the map, im not quite sure this map would have the best gameplay, i might have to DL and try it out.