Ok lol, I was thinking of making a pokemon battle map. I know it probally sounds gay, but it could(could...)be fun. You could have each pokemon choose a class at the start in seperate sections, like in bosss battle. But the good part is, different classes are good or bad against another. One person might get a sword and be very fast, while the other has like a sniper and active camo. The sword would probally win because it he would be hard to snipe. You could even make an areana for it. Fire types would have fire grenades and possibly a flame thrower. Rock types would have grav hammer and over shield, and etc. Would you enjoy playing this, and would you actually try it? Feedback plz.
I'm actually in the process of making one of these. I havent gotten a real start on the map, itself but I've been planning the classes, and which pokemon will have what.
Wanna work together? Pepper, Idk, we would have to limit it. water could be plasma rifle(bubble beam) and plasma grenade. Ill start listing some options. Fire- Flamethrower, Firebomb Grenades Water-Plasma Grenades, Beam Rifle Rock-Gravity Hammer, Overshields Electric-Sword, Custom powerup(Speed) Ghost-Sniper, Active Camo Physic-Plasma Pistol, Power Drain Grass-Carbine, Grenade Normal-Shotgun, Grenade Dragon-Spartan Laser, Needler Air-Sentinal Beam, Spike Grenade.
Haha this sounds really cool. I wouldn't even care if it was fun, just listening to my friends as I load up Pokemon Battle on Pokemon Stadium would be hilarious.
you would have to make so you cant pik up weapons or else he victor of a batlle would pik up wat they killed,,an invisible guy with a hammer would not be fun. btw thsi was played a good bit on halo 2. we used honor rules and put on fiesta so peep got diferent weapons. the team master would call out hoo htye wanted and that guy would jump on hte middle. you shoud do it on blackout one master on top of br tower w his team ther and one on sniper tower fighters jump in middle
Or they get put in seperate rooms with the weapons, and then the last man standing wins by getting the Elimination point.
This is an amazing idea lol. what you could do to prevent cheating is have gravlifts that lead to rooms so they can only get weapons in that room and cant get back out to get other weapons and all the rooms could lead to the middle "arena". also since there is limited grav lifts you could try this with man cannons and teleportors would work very well. Also to prevent winer from taking all weapons you could make it score to win 1 kill and have multiple rounds making you respawn at the beginning If you dont understand i could help you on this my GT is K1llersnipe i normally get on at night around 8
with the gametype, you make it so you can not pickup items/weapons at the start. i think this is a great idea and i will probablly download when it is finished
Alright, im going to start working on it, hit me up if you want to, im bootyslayer4. Only problems ive found is 1. There is only 1 flamethrower. and 2. Im doing the selection like "Boss Battle" where you go through a man cannon in to a single box and pick your stuff, then go through a teleporter. But there are only enough for 4 classes each. I need to find another way to make a door that closes behind them, but still have enough equipment and stuff to make the map.
sounds fun maybe like u can c the weapons together but they r in a box that leads to the areana and grav lift so once u c what type u want u go towards it the grav lift pushes u hand u cant go back and change or customize