this is sooooo amazing, totally worth the whole 3 minutes. it is soooo creative, yet amazing how the guy gets a killimanjaro with just a magnum, oh and he sticks two people at once, and then the best of all, he gets two killionaires in a row, seriously amazingly, totally awesome. heres the link WATCH IT!!!!:
lol youve been rick rolled. i had to post this, i fell for it and i thought of what would happen if i posted it on Forgehub, lol once again youve been rick rolled.
NO!!! I FELL FOR IT!!!! lol lighten up guys, i always love a good rickroll. i actually believed you wiggum. shows how gullible i am lol
dammit this was the 1st time this happened to me! lol. nice man I was like'"OMG Magnum kawpownage I haz to sees diz!"
That song is used so much for all these tricks and pranks that its beginning to grow on me. Im putting this on my next video.
i was kinda expecting this becaus it said best montage ever and it wasnt mine iv had enough of this it just gets less funier
+rep, I finally got someone else doing the rick roll action lol watch out orangeremi might come and lock it and call you irresponsible like what happend to me lol.
LOL this is soo much fun. keep this link if you want and tell ur friends when ur with them. this gets a hilarious look from all ive shown.