I voted B because: It is a whole letter that doesn't leave any dead ends. You could maybe put a blockage in the middle of the stem if you know what i mean that could be opened by using a switch. the two bases would be either side and the curvy bits would be used as maybe an area to creep up on the enemy.....PHEW!
v because i feel that would a cool multi flag map and if done right which u most likely would, look pretty cool, keep it in mind
thank you for leaving that edit in for me, but i still think it would be awesome... well in that case project R purely because R is an awesome letter. that or project 7...
rofl ivory, you know who loves ya bebe =] also, you just had to vote for the little man didn't ya? rofl
yes. yes i did, i think it would be the most challenging for you, RGB would be the tougher letters because of their shape, the others are just to easy.
This all depends on how many you want to make. It could be a trilogy or a 5 part series. End it with Z, though
T or R cuz T could be another Long Road Home map..or some what like it Zombies come thru the middle to attack...or something....R because Id like to see what you can make with it..........
oh ****, y took the lead, did not see that coming, z had the lead for the longest time also, i just want to say how much i appreciate everyone being so cool about this, and participating =]
project O, so then the next one after O would be R, then Z, so then you put them together and get S. U. X. O. R. Z.!