Say wha...? I'm 110% sure I haven't even posted twice in a row. I have no idea what you're talking about. Welcome to ForgeHub! Enjoy your stay, and steer clear of idiots. They're everywhere ever since the Bungie forums went to hell. And with this map, short games are fun, but the long games like multi-flag with 5v5 or so are EPIC as well.
Yes, thank god you replied to my post! I would never have gotten to sleep! But seriously, I understood completely that you meant for this to be taken as a casual experience, but like other members have already said it just shouldnt be published if it was meant as a joke. I can guarantee you that if I went into forge and threw a bunch of scenery/weps/etc all over the floor it would produce almost an exact replica gameplay-wise. Its funny that you were offended by my original post, when I clearly stated that I meant no harm. And Whale, why the negative rep? Ive played customs with you and playtested your maps before, so that seems out of line. All of my posts have been nothing but constructive. So again dont get upset over a few lines of text, its all meant with good intentions.
I didn't get upset. xD The map actually wasn't a joke. It was initially, but mitona and McHaggis bet me that I couldn't make their joke serious. And I proved them wrong. BAH-ZING! @mitona NOW GIMMEH MAH FIVE BUCKS!
Looks awesome and fun but i think you need to put more thought into this map love the placement of the weapons but not very sure about the scenery placement =P
Simply proof that you haven't played it. It's actually completely playable. Every gametype, every variation works. Guaranteed.
:3 It plays quite well, actually. Playing a large FFA on it feels somewhat like a "rave" map, and playing FFA Rockets or Lasers is just amazing.
8-0, it looks like a bunch of stuff thrown together, but at the same time it looks really fun to play, nicely done it looks like it has good gameplay.
WILL PEOPLE STOP POSTING HERE?!?!?!!? I'm sorry, but the collaboratory was first =P and this is in casual, so I guess it's legitimate, though, cmon, seriously...this is not a map that needs to be continuously on the front page... The only reason I posted, was that I've seen this in my user cp too long. I now will be un-subscribing to one of my first threads... On second thought, I'm curious to responses to this post, as I know there will I'm not going to un-subscribe yet..
Yeah I once made a map like this.Its actually really fun to play on.With all the **** in the way it makes great hiding spots ,epic kills,and great laughter. Dled!!
n00ks & crann1is?! moar liek n00bs & cr4nnis. Now when the hell is #3 coming out? Screw two, just post three. That way, people will be WAYYYY confused.
reminds me of crappy art thats all messy that sells for $$$$$ but i dont no why? but great map, ive made one myself yet didnt get to finish it. 4/5
Ahahahahahaha! Back to the top of your CP it goes! xD I'm so happy that the community's response has been so positive. I'm actually seriously considering finishing #2 this week and posting it, just for the comments again. #2 is twice as glorious as number one. Because there's a blue box, and a ParaBox. The latter of which warps you to another dimension...