Some people will find this retarded, some people will laugh their asses off. I fall in the latter category.
we used to say this in WoW all the time... on the new Isle of Quel'Danas, you had to complete dailie quests to unlock certain places on the Isle... so everytime we got our dailies over 90% everyone would Yell "ITS OVER 9000!!" in general chat its great.
RTL its just some dumb annoying video that makes some people laugh, but other people get really annoyed... take this for example. they're just videos people make when their REALLY bored.
Lol dragon ball Z is great ;D I used to watch when I was younger, I found it kinda funnyish. I can see how it would become really funny to some people though
ummmmmmm......i'm not sure whether to laugh or not. o well......i will just try to laff............roflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflolroflol