Hey everyone, just joined Forge Hub today and its great. Here is a map I just finished(again) a few days ago. Its a symmetrical two base map designed for CTF and Team Slayer , but it is great fun for Infection, Oddball and Slayer too, all of which are compatible. EDIT: Thanks for your help with the pictures, I have hosted them on photobucket and here they are: The Main Area Red Base Sniper Tower Heres the link on Bungie Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing So have a look, I assure you'll have at least 10 seconds of uber fun on it. Comments are appreciated - Anything need improving?
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Welcome to forgehub fellow Aussie Forger, its great to have you. This map looks great, the construction and layout look great. There doesnt look to be any real problems. Dled, I'll report back later.
Good job looks great for a staduim type i say 4/5 for staduim type map good job i think the interlocking is cool you made it look clean.
you should take out the tele in the center pit that way if someone falls in they are either stuck or pity killed
I really like the Layout, but it looks really easy just to sit there with a BR or Sniper and be able to kill without stopping. That means it needs more cover, like it or not. 4/5 though.
Really well made! The main middle section turned out to be perfect for a grenades game a friend and I play (low gravity, no shields, regenerating grenades, sticks worth double points). The second level is just high enough for a crouch jump at 75% gravity. The outside section seems a little bare though, in comparison to inside the stadium. Unless you're not supposed to get out?
i like the curvature effect that you have used, it looks unique. looks like there is plenty of cover. great map.
Okay after a breif forgethrough, here's my findings. The layout I had no problem with it, it was a very good arena style map. The weapons, you should have a weapon list on the thread but that's not what I want to say. The sword looked like it'd be very suited for this, as it can deeply assist jumps, with a 120 second respawn(I think) I have no problems with it. But the rest of the weapons need to be fixed. The placment of them is fine but their traits must modified. two snipers, each with two clips and 30 second respawm would be awful. For this map, if the player is good with the sniper they can rape on this map. Breakability, it was quite easy to escape this map, not trick jumps were needed, that is another thing that should be fixed. This could be a very good arena style map, you just need to edit those weapons and make it unescapable. 7/10 - Very Good, But room for improvement.
this looks very well interlocked and very smooth! great work for a first post! 4/5 ( because its not very original, but still looks amazing!) Peace
Thanks for your detailed reply Linubidix (on page 2) I will definitely fix the weapon traits. As for escaping the map I have no money left and very little objects, either i remove something or I try to incorporate the money glitch and improvise with the objects. Thanks again.