Map Title: Corridors Under construction, this Spartan training facility is a brother of the original "Chiron TL 34" 4-8 Players Download Map Description: This is version 2 of the original map. The original had flaws (used to be called Warthog Inc). In this version, I fixed the flaws where you were able to get outside the map and the ceiling looks better than before now that it is interlocked. ALSO, it doesn't show in the pics, but there is now way more objects placed on the map, emphasizing tight quarters even more! No Roof To Show Map Layout: Defending The Flag: Flame Thrower In Action: Exxxplosive: The design of this map was initially for infection, but I soon came to realize that this map suits best for Team Slayer and CTF. On each side of the map sits a base, each marked by the signs A and B. Sign A leads you toward the red base, and Sign B leads you to the blue base. There are 3 ways of getting across the map. There are the two outside ways, and a middle way. The outside ways house shotguns, each with only 6 shells apiece. There are SMG's and Spikers also on the outside. The middle way houses 2 Sentinel Beams as well as the Flame Thrower, which is in the dead center of the map. A power drainer sits on one side of each base, as well as either a flare or radar jammer in each base (depending on which team you're on). Also, beside the Flame Thrower is a deployable cover power up. Each base also holds their own over shield. All in all, this map is very fun with team slayer and CTF. SWAT is also fun on this map! It may seem small, but it is surprisingly big. Territories, King of the Hill and Oddball also work, but are not preferred. Fusion Coils, Barrels, Pallets, and Dumpsters around spread about the map as well. I hope you guys enjoy! Weapons On Map -2 Assault Rifles -4 Battle Rifles -2 Brute Shots -2 Shotguns -2 Sentinel Beams -2 SMG's -2 Spikers -1 Flame Thrower Equipment On Map -8 Frag Grenades -10 Plasma Grenades -2 Over Shields -2 Power Drainers -1 Flare -1 Radar Jammer
yea its a GREAT idea but its not really corridors its more like a maze and if you play slayer on mazes it can be really annoying. also it looks like its easy to nade jump out like REALLY easy 4/5
Lol thanks for the positive feedback so far. I just want to say that this map DOES have a ceiling all interlocked. I just deleted it for this picture so you guys could see the layout of the map. Also, it may look like a maze but I promise it is not a maze. You learn it very quickly, like I said 3 ways to get to the other base. The outsides and the middle. And I believe someone asked about zombies. It can play on zombies but it is not preferred. A little flawed with the spawn points, but other than that I guess it could work with infection.
infection u mean, it looks a bit liike a maze but really fun, some walls arnt that straight but isnt that big of a problem
Yeah I think there is like 2 maybe 3 walls that aren't perfect, but not really noticeable. I'm guessing you downloaded it. You should get like a party of 6 or so and play some team games. It is awesome!
It is pretty basic but it is very enjoyable. SWAT gives it another reason to play if you don't like CTF or Assault.
So just checking in on this map. Give it a try, and I promise you guys will not be let down. A party of 5 or so on some FFA is amazingly fun!