looks like a good griffball map. the wall looks unbreakable for the most part. i will have to play it. also interlocking would probably helped you on the wall.
mmm not 2 fond off the cliff dont get me wrong i like the idea but its just some ppls tacktic r to get hit around in the air but would b ruined, i lov the idea just a bit more interlocking on the walls and it would b perfect
Nice job on finally making a Grifball map not on foundry! My only question is what happens to the ball when it rolls off the edge?
Heh, yeah. I thought about that too. I couldn't see any other way to disinguish the ends from each other, but I guess it doesn't really matter. The ball will just respawn back in the middle. As for the interlocking, I will get on to that soon. When I first put the walls up, I found it hard to line them up because the ground isn't flat, and so the boxes would be on different angles to each other. Is there a way to maybe force the boxes into the ground so they're all horizontal? I've seen in done on Foundry using a door, but they can't be put on Avalanche... Thanks for all the great feedback!
yea, this is better cause u can't really glitch and get out of the map like in the original seeing as well that wall... really isn't there.
Hmm... if I was going to interlock the walls, would I be better off starting the arena from scratch? It seems pretty difficult to try to align them from where they are. {added} I tried to do some interlocking, and failed. I'm finding that the uneven ground makes it most difficult. Where's the "snap-to-grid" option when you need it!