At The Tracks.. V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by silentPERFECT, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    Yes,Train Maps Are Getting A Little Annoying,And Yes This Is A Train Map.But, I Love The Concept And Downloaded Every One I Could Find, And NONE Were Symmetrical.So,I Made My Own.

    Changes From V1 to V2
    Floors are interlocked

    Plasmas have been changed to Spike Grenades do to the power of the Plasmas Messing Up Trains during gameplay

    Way To get out has been patched

    2 Added dumpsters

    Oversheild has been changed to Camo Due To Train Problems

    Doors have been lowered and moved to the side because of jumping problems

    Spawns Have Been Fixed

    Before (Main Track).
    After (Main Track).

    Before (Sniper Spawn).
    After (Sniper Spawn).

    Before (Looking Back From Sniper Spawn).
    After (Looking Back From Sniper Spawn).

    The Same (Secondary Track). Camo is To the right under the double boxes.

    Dang Bugs On My Windsheild. ( Yes, That Is Me. And Yes, I Did Die :) )

    Whatch Where U Step, Theres A Train Coming

    How Many Players It Holds
    6-10 Recommended


    Equipment List -Spawn Rate
    1 Regenerator -----------------60
    1 Active Camo -----------------60
    3 Spike Grenades ---------------10

    Weapons List -Spawn Rate -Spare Clips
    1 Battle Rifle ----------------20 -----------2
    1 Assault Rifle ---------------20 -----------2
    1 Magnum -------------------30 -----------2
    1 Sniper Rifle ----------------30 -----------1
    1 Shotgun -------------------30 -----------2
    2 Smg's ----------------------30 -----------2

    All Gametypes
    Holds Up To 16 Players
    2 Train Tracks
    Only 2 Places To Get Out (On EACH Side. But, its still Difficult to get out)
    Trains Work Every Time ( on occasions, the main track doenst work cause the blown up train sometimes doesnt dissapear fast enough and doesnt make room for the next one )
    2 Stories ( 3 If u count Sniper Spawn And BR Spawn )
    Pretty Big For A Train Map
    Loads Of Fun
    Guaranteed Laughter

    Cons (Yes, I Am Brave Thank You)
    2 Ways To Get Out ( On Each Side, But Its Still Difficult To Get Out )
    Not Much Aesthetics

    For Territories And Destination Points, There Are 6 Different Places To Score/Capture For Each Gametype.

    When U Play This Map, It Is Recommended That U Make It So There Is No Access To Vehicles Incase ANYTHING Goes Wrong. Although NOTHING Has Gone Wrong When Ive Played It Yet.

    I Spent About 4 Days On This Map, So Please Check It Out And Comment.


    Note: Sorry About The Capitalizing Every Word Like Im Doing Right Now lol, Its just A Habbit.
    #1 silentPERFECT, Jun 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2008
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, this is a great example of someone improving A LOT based on others comments and suggestions. Great job! A much cleaner looking map, post, and screens.
  3. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    Thank You Very Much :D! Thats What i tried to do, improve it based on the complaints and suggestions i got on V1. Thx :)
  4. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really sweet, and i like the map but the train idea is old, but this map seems like a revoulution
  5. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    hmm a revolution? in wat ways? ( i like the idea of my map being a revolution for train maps, but i dont know what u mean :) lol )
  6. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can the train move?
  7. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    lol yes the train can kill you it moves so fast lol look at last pic, thats the train
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My first post of the evening- always something I like to enjoy. I was a tad worried when I saw the title, as these "train station" maps have become overused, but I must admit, I was wrong.

    I like how you managed to make it look clean without merging the entire map. Personally, I prefer a map with heavy -I mean, heavy- merging, but I'm not so picky that I can't appreciate a map that doesn't meet those standards.

    I like a few elements you've put in. The map appears to host solid, fun gameplay, which is what I appreciate more than anything in a map.

    As per your post (something which weighs just as heavy as the map itself):

    *Nice job on pointing out your flaws. That shows you've acknowledged that there's room to improve. I can definitely value that.

    *The only thing I didn't like was that your text got a bit sloppy. It changes colors and fonts too often, and your typing doesn't fit the professional vibe I get from the map. This is more of a "Hey, you can do better than that!" than a "Hey, you suck!"

    Altogether, I'd have to play it to grade it. I can usually getta feel for a map's gameplay, but I can't seem to grasp this. The post deserves a well-deserved 4/5.
  9. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    Hm dont get wat u mean by the txt part cause i only changed fonts on the download link but u must be talking about wen i bolded and put italics on the words to show that it was a totally different thing. sorry if that bugged u, i thought it would help keep things neater than just having everything the same.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I put that in there so I didn't appear to want to make sweet, sweet love to both you and your map. I needed some kind of criticism, so I went with the text. It was the one thing that bothered me. I'm probably the only person who will complain about the text after having looked at this, though.

    Don't take it personally, at all. Please!
  11. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    LMFAO XD sweet sweet love to me and my map hahaha. so u like it rough eh? lol i didnt take offense to it haha i thought that was funny wat u just said though as u can tell hahaha.

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