All bugs have been fixed plus so much has been added great for small or large parties almost impossible to escape if you find a bug PM or add me to live xTEMx Riku and i will fix it right away. Thanks guys please Download, Rate, Comment, discuss and leave critisizm. Thanks again. GameType Thanks one last time please Discuss the map here!!!!!!!!! Update 1: DoughnutBall is a map based off grifball but with actuall goals a more complex arena less spawn killing a second floor for escaping and made for 4-16 plays very very hard and fun way better then grifball just try it and you will know its true. Supports doughnutball the gametype and this is the first version V2 will be out towards start of fall!!!!!!!! Posted in first post^^^^^^^^^^^^ Update 2: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Map Link Update 3: Made For Grifball, Ausult, and Doughnutball08 GameTypes
DoughnutBall is a map based off grifball but with actuall goals a more complex arena less spawn killing a second floor for escaping and made for 4-16 plays very very hard and fun way better then grifball just try it and you will know its true. Supports doughnutball the gametype and this is the first version V2 will be out towards start of fall!!!!!!!! Posted in first post^^^^^^^^^^^^
i like the name lol but the single bxes that go over the map are not murged it would look better if they where other then that i looks good
its kinda sloppy and most of the boxes could be turned over seriously really look like this would take only a couple of hours to make this.
Brewer, i think it looks like fun, but some people on here think it's an actual slayer map, i think. Maybe add something big in text that says it's basically the same as grifball.
Yes'm, very bland. You have given nearly no description, and I have no idea what the heck "Doughnut Ball" is.
DoughnutBall is the smae thing as grifball except a better course a pink ball carrier plus real goals a center piece and a second floor.