Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? Holy cow this looks tight! Yeah it looks messy but I think it should, that is really awesome! Good job and props to you!
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? This looks like it can be a great map, and I can't wait to try it. Only thing is that from what I see from the pictures, it doesn't seem like you took advantage of the hills. I think you should maybe try to find someway to make the hills more important in the actual game.
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? Great, great concept. I agree with Pepper; it could be put to better use. But the idea itself is utterly brilliant. Nice work.
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? Yah... This looks pretty sloppy you just need to fix the walls abit more and then ur set
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? Wow that's a nice map, it must've been really hard to make though...
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? Pepper2000 and Lance001, have you actually played the map? In my experience, the hills are used throughout games for cover and to surprise the other team, and they are an important part of the gameplay. Ah well, thanks for the criticism. If anyone feels the same maybe playing a KotH or territories gametype will solve the problem somewhat. Thansk for all the comments ;D
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? I think its a great idea. I was making a remake of Backwash (i know, EVERYONE hates remakes...) and wishing i could make hills, because it is an integral part of that map. I'm about to upload it to voodoo for his "Classics" thread, but only because there isn't already one up. I suggest you try remaking it with your hill-skills! I have no doubt would be better than the one i'm uploading. Just make sure you go back to making originals. I'm finding that many people 'round here don't dig remakes...
I finally got a chance to play a three player FFA slayer here. I liked it a lot, but I have some concerns that I'd like to express. My biggest concern was that there weren't enough weapons to go around. I just got so sick of the old "see enemy, shoot at enemy with AR, run at enemy, melee enemy." I tried using the plasma rifles but that was a huge mistake. A couple times, I got trapped in the flag rooms with nothing to do but wait for my enemy to toss some grenades at my feet. Picking up the flamethrower was also a big mistake. I couldn't move or turn fast enough to kill anyone with it. My other concern was respawn points. A couple times either me or my enemy spawned right in front of someone. I know it's hard to get spawns to work perfectly, especially in a map like this, so I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying it's a bit of a problem. I realize that this map is set up for CTF, but I didn't get a chance to play it. What other game modes are supported? Now on to the hills. I think they worked great. Finally a map in Foundry that didn't feel like Foundry. All that going up and down is really different than anything I've played in Foundry so far. I think it works well. I like this map so much that I changed some of the weapon spawns to fit my tastes, so that I can keep playing it in custom games with my friends. I'd like to share my changes with you. These are just my own preferences, and I'm not trying to say one version is better than the other or anything. 1. I added some equipment in the flag rooms so that players trapped back there have some way to fight back. One room has deployable cover and the other has a power drain. The fact that the power drain rolls down hills makes it an obvious choice for a map like this. 2. I replaced the flamethrower with a fuel rod gun with no spare clips. Like I said earlier, I didn't like the flamethrower in this map. The fuel rod gun shoots rounds that can ricochet off of walls so I think it'll make an interesting replacement. 3. I replaced the ARs in the weapon holders with a needler and a brute shot. I don't see the point in having extra ARs since you die often enough to always have plenty of ammo. 4. I replaced the needler in the middle with a mauler and replaced one of the plasma rifles with a spiker. I think the plasma rifles are mostly ineffective, and I wanted to give players more weapon options. 5. I added some extra weapons near the flag rooms. On side has duel SMGs, the other has a plasma pistol and a magnum. Again, this is to give players options and to increase the weapon variety on the map. 6. Because there are a lot more weapons, I changed the respawn time for all the BRs and carbines to 60 seconds (from 30 seconds). That will force players to use other weapons besides the BRs and carbines. I realize that the bases are no longer equal with respect to weapons and equipment, so it might not be as good as the original version for CTF games. However, I think that slayer will be a lot more fun here. I hope you don't feel like I'm ruining your map. Really, you should take it as a compliment. I like the map geometry so much that I want to tweak the weapon placement to my own tastes so I can enjoy more games of it. This one won't get deleted off my hard drive for a while. Great map!
Thanks a lot for such a detailed review. When I began I was intending to make it much bigger, but the amount of walls and boxes meant it would have to be small. Its not ideal I know =( This also meant I couldn't fit many weapons (without being crowded), and (in my opinion, at least) couldn't have anything too powerful. Deciding what weapons to place wasn't easy, shotguns and maulers I thought would dominate too much, brute shots make getting out of the map very easy, swords, hammers, rockets, etc are obviously too powerful. Thats how I judged it at least. I originally had one regen and one power drain, but the power drain is far better than the regen so it went. The problem about assault rifles being the only weapon used are kinda a result of your gametype though, it's hard to avoid when the maps so small. Personally, I've found that playing with SMG starts works better (making the AR spawn not useless). I should add that to the OP I suppose. The base camping is unfortunately a bit of a problem, i originally thought the open boxes would provide enough cover. I didn't think of adding the shield equipment, I really dislike them, but it'd solve the problem. Oh well ._. Your feedback is very true though, I'm just giving my own thoughts on what you said, not trying to dismiss them. I'm glad you've adjusted it to your own preferences, we all think differently and that. Also it works with all gametypes, although some are more suited than others.
Hey, that's what we're here for, right? I mean, the effort you put into this map is worth me typing for 5 minutes. As for my power drain and fuel rod gun additions, I have not tested them yet. I just added them after the game I played. I may have overdone it a little, but I was frustrated from too many AR fights. I'm glad to hear that you tested different equipment. It's a mark of a good map maker. Also, you don't like the deployable cover? Dude, it's awesome! Next time I get some people together, I'll play my edited version. I'll try and remember to let you know how it turns out.
Holy crap! Good work, I'm glad I checked this one out! And to the people who say it looks sloppy... who cares?! It's not that big a deal, as long as it runs smoothly when you walk on it. Espescially considering Bungie didn't give us anything that isn't a square or rectangle. I'm going to check it out now.
I'm glad someone did this. I had an urge to do a similar thing with boxes as the floor (flipped upside down, so the interlocking would form a lumpy but uniformly green floor). But laziness eventually overwhelmed my desire to work on it. It's hard enough interlocking a few items here and there for neatness; doing what you did to make this map must have been a monumental pain in the ass. Anyway, nice job.
I was playing this with my friends and this map work perfect with FFA slayer and 2v2 territories. so this map I going to keep around for a wile 5/5.
Hey Mallet, I played a game on your map with some friends using my revised weapon placement. Like you suggested, we did SMG starts and I think it made a big difference. The fuel rod gun that I put in to replace the flamethrower was overpowered. I think the equipment that I added was a nice touch though. We played a 4 player FFA slayer match, and if anyone else does this I'd suggest changing the shield recharge rate to 200% so that your shields come back faster. In our game, every time I killed someone I got killed by someone else before my shields came back. It was fun, but faster shield recharge would be nice.
Wow man, both here and at my threads seem to kept getting bumped into life when I expected them to just fade away. Awesome stuff. Thanks muchly all of you who have downloaded and/or commented, I'm glad my monumental pain in the ass hills have brought you pleasure I fear, however, I may have peaked very early. Lol... next map very soon...
Good luck with the next ma Mallet. I had fun checking out Gradient, really neat Idea, and I commend you for the time you must of put into it. Looks perfect for a little FFA. I enjoyed it a will show my buddies what can be done with forge.
This map might look a bit more attractive if it was cleaned up so it doesn't look at sloppy in the screenshots. However I like the fact that you made the map look nothing like Foundry. This would be really fun I think for something like Team Fiesta (Halo 2, ring a bell?). Good work.
great map, loved it for 1v1 and 1v1v1 slayer matches, just a slight problem, I know you're at budget, but if you ever remake this map try using the infinite budget glitch which should be somewhere on this site, because there is an easy way to get out without using grenades that I will PM u about . wow run on sentence