Well hello. Im weaselraider08, as u can tell. I haven't always been the best forger but i have majorly improved by joining forge hub. So get ready to see some of my maps in the distant future. . Also, im going to start commenting on maps to help the community.
Hi and welcome to forgehub.Can't wait to see your maps.Also its good you want to comment on maps ,but don't just say its good or bad.Acutally give constructive critisicm and suggestions that would make the map better or play better.So enjoy your stay. P.S.If you need help PM me or send me a Froend Request on live at MLGLR playahata
Yeah, im not a yes, no guy. I tend to explain what i like about something if it is good, and i explain what i don't like about something i don't enjoy, and what i think could be fixed to help it be better. But thanks for being the first to welcome me.
One more thing, my gamertag is just my name (weaselraider08.) So if u want to add me as a friend on live, feel free to. I will more than likely accept any friend requests, unless i totally hate u and wish u would die. jk.
Lol well then I might send you one.But you just broke a rule ,you double posted.DOn't do that or you will get infractions from moderators (3 infraction =warn 5 infractions=ban)So watch out lulz.