Okay, so I made a really, really stupid decision. Or so I thought. I jumped in between two enemies with a Sniper Rifle. I shot the guy in front of me once, and his shields went down. Then I shot him again, and the bullet went through his shoulder, killed him, and RICOCHETED off the wall, headshotting the guy behind me. 1 Bullet. 2 kills. Complete Pwnage. Download Here. (You can watch it from a better angle.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_nNUlrXysE&fmt=18
Wow lmao. thats leet! You should have taken it for more angles so people could actually soak in what happened
I think you should have made the video from one person... or atleast not jolt the camera when its about to happen.
wow, epic win there blackfox, you said you ricochet(ed? ) it off the wall, but it looks liek it was more off his face! rofl
Heh. Yeah, it was pure luck, when I should have just been owned for doing something so stupid. Bet they were confused when it happened. I was like, wtf? Did I strafe behind the other guy and shoot him?
nice very lucky but it looks like hes trying to so it could hav been on purpose... a differant angle would b good
How does it look like he's trying to do it...? How would you position yourself perfectly for a ricochet headshot? That would be nigh impossible. So I don't quite understand 0.o This was in Team Doubles. It's legit.
Yeah. This was my luckiest moment ever. Usually, I have the worst luck. I always seem to get caught in the middle of three guys in Lone Wolves. They all seem to want to shoot me. I'm very popular.