if only... as for sideways flag, it isn't new, but it is awesome touch to the map and took forever to get right, (the flag was always spawning upside down)
I was just looking through some of these comments, and some of them like you said really don't elaborate. I will then say that this map is quite good, although you have already done several like this because of a few reasons. Despite it's size, it can still function welll. The aesthetics of this map are great, even though I don't like maps with completely interlocked floors it still looks great. It surprisingly plays welll, much better than Gradient or Empire. Those two I mentioned have terrible spawning issues, this map not so much. As for creativity, it has quite a bit of nice and new interesting touches implemented, however small or large they may be. And to wrap it up, the comment I have in quotations, yours, I don't even understand that...
this map is really fun. 10.1/10. it was made while i was banned so i couldnt comment on it but now i can and just wanna say its a really great map.
Wow... just wow. This is a truly amazing map. I'm gonna go pray that God grants me the ability to forge like this one day.
wow looks really good and as gravedigger said the movable objects dont make it looks good but i also thinks that they could be used to my advantage 4.5/5
This map reminds me of Gradient, but bigger and used for a different purpose (objectives, that is). Excellent job. I've DL'd this one.
That was the most professional flame I've ever read. You should be a politician or somthing :S Nice map, DLing as I type.
Good Map I would just like to say that this map was a great map and that my friends could not stop playing on it.