for fans of Construct & The Pit DOWNLOAD REDEMPTION ||Description|| Redemption is a full arena-type map with 3 levels. There is the floor level where most of the combat takes place, the second level which dictates alot of how the map is played and finally there are mancannons and a lift to allow you access to the rafters, which houses the sniper rifle. ||SETUP FOR|| - SLAYER - TEAM SLAYER - CAPTURE THE FLAG Capture the Flag is very unique on this level, as one team will have an easy time getting to the enemy flag, but its a bit tricky to return it. However, the opposing team has a rough time getting to the other teams flag, but to even things out, has a pretty simple return route. This will guarantee to host some edge-of-your-seaters. ||INVENTORY|| • shotgun [90 spawn] • hammer [120 spawn] • battle rifle [6] • assault rifle [2] • brute shot [2] • maulers [2] • sword [150 spawn] • carbine • spikers [2] • smg [4] • sniper rifle • bubble shield • flare • frag and plasma nades ||LAYOUT||
yeh how so? the map looks cool. nice interlocking, and i love the rafters. (i like the way you did the pics in the post too)
Looks very nice. Very neat also. It seems quite basic and very open and exposed though. What really caught my eye is the quality of the pics, they look really clean and sharp. What have you used to resize them?
Cool map, I like the elevator going behind the invis spawn, nice job Maybe try adding a bit of cover on the second floor, right now it kinda looks like people there are gonna get screwed over
Yeah, really, please do not tell members that their maps are not up to date if nothing is wrong. Thank you
I played this map and i like the design alot. my complaint thought is the lack of cover a good BR or Sniper can just control the high ground very easily maybe some barriers with weapon holders or dumpsters PM if u would like help. 7/10
i tried to cover some areas with dumpsters without ruining the map, and i think it worked out well. Everyone please redownload and let me know what you think!!
This looks reallt good. It appears that you know how to make bridges look clean which is hard because of those darn white edges. I like it, I'd dl but I have filled my 100 custom items.
This map looks pretty decent, and I'm happy to see a flare in a map, that makes me happy, dling just to blind my friends!
Uh, a lot of maps have flares. This looks really good though, I think it just got lost in the forums because your post wasn't up to standards before.
i dont see anything wrong with it only that it takes a little longer to load pics but otherwise there nothing worng, infact thats not even bad But back to the map. It looks very nice ill dl i love the interlocking and the bridges up on top very creative.
Yea This Map Is Great To Me. My Friends Love To Play On It ...You Have Made A Good Map And Cover Is Fine You Just Gotta Be Quick, Besides With Multi People Playing The Sniper Gets Taken Out Easily. My Friend Didnt Want To Ruin / Mess Up The Map And I Agree.
Easily a Frustrating map, good in theory but foundry is too small for the idea. Red team start at a disadvantage with their flag easy to access while blue flag is up a hill giving blue team height advantage in a shoot out. The maulers on blue side are not equal to red sides sword because only one red can use the sword while 2 blues can have the maulers.
lol I made a map called Redemption too! looky